The Time of Great Trouble Part II: the Green Comet as the Sign of the Regeneration

The Hour of Temptation

Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King in Atlanta

The Reality of the New Jim Crow and the forgotten Treason of Justice Antonin Scalia

Today I must begin these words in honor of the man whose Legacy Antonin Scalia Supreme Court Justice totally destroyed, and it is here that I will begin the campaign to avenge each and every violation of our Open Society that has been deified and celebrated by those Men and Women of Belial who are now LEGION in America; and are now revealed at work in every nation in the World At Large.

Their goal ??? To make the World Safe for Totalitarian Fascism again, apparently ….

Being Liberal

These corrupt Kings of the Earth that rule in every nation have now reached their demise for the time is now at hand for the Kingdom of God to be established, the establishment only being necessary to exist by having one declaration that shows exactly what the real power of the Constitution is in America even though unknown.
Americans For Progressive Change Group

What I am going to reveal today is an Open Secret, of which I have a collection; but I am doing so to take my position in the @House of Public Discourse Forum as the voice of Justice herself: as the Wrath of the Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World

My husband.

Also known as “The Resurrection and the Life”; that Holy Thing with 7 Horns and 7 Eyes.

For this reason I am today establishing the Kingdom of God on this Earth which is that one in which “dwelleth righteousness”.
This Kingdom therefore is one of Justice, but it began with the Bride as Judgment, for God loves Righteous Judgment; but is the Lamb’s Wife as Justice herself which now must be established.

The Open Secret

The Open Secret that the 1% buried is that the people of America through the power of Amendment that is given to us in our Constitution can themselves by a 2/3 majority create the government that they want exactly the way they want it to be by that power given to us in the Constitution.

The United Will and Power of the American People potentially rests in itself choosing what form of government that it wants and which it can create by voting it into existence by a simple majority of 2/3 of the 50 States of America.

A More Perfect Union

If I have simply revealed therefore the voice of the people, Vox Populi, and show it’s dreams can become reality it is because that power was given to us to actually make a More Perfect Union as a Work in Progress which is why America was and is the foundation to receive the kingdom of God on Earth for that very reason.

The Experiment in Participatory Democracy which we are all now Woke to was recently initiated by the Messenger in the Chariot of Fire who laid that Foundation by his 40 Years in the Wilderness of the House of Representatives and the Senate; I speak, of course, of Senator Bernie Sanders.

The Messenger of Justice in the Chariot of Fire

Who has called for the 4 Position Foundation of Justice that is the Foundation on which will be set the Kingdom of a New Heaven and a New Earth??

It is he who spent 40 years in the political Wilderness of Washington DC who has asked for Economic Justice, Social Justice, Racial Justice and Environmental Justice.

People sneer and make callous and ignorant remarks about Bernie Sanders in certain conscientiously extinct Political Parties like the New Nazi Party of the Neo Confederate South formerly known as the GOP whenever they have their TRIBUNAL of Moral Relativism and it’s fraudulent mouthpieces of disinformation open their slime encrusted orifices every day to poison the Well of Civic Debate and subvert all Civil Discourse in America


They who love Legalized Oppression and Societally Ingrained Systemic Racism with a large helping of White Triumphalist Religious Intolerance hate U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders with a passion, and consistently misrepresent everything he stands for and fights for in his mission to reverse the policies of the 1% to therefore defeat them and save the Working Poor and failing Middle Class that are under attack day and night by Fox News and their accomplices in right wing media with a cascade of lies and half truths every single bloody News cycle … never ending Fifth Column KGB style Putinism is alive and well in the USA by the Republican fall into de facto Treason as their Modus Operandi as they take their cues and talking points from the Gremlin in the Kremlin

The Cancer of Putin: the Fascist Christ of the Russian Orthodox Church

We who fight for Justice in America and this World all look aghast at the constant waving of the the Standard of Corruption for the Republican Jesus who us actually the god DIS which is the invisible source out of which are come all the GOP’s endless Lies of Omission on every subject: which lies are LEGION.

The End of Herodian Politics as of that modern day FOX once called Herod now called Rupert Murdoch

These FOX entertainers are active participants in the destruction of the American Dream and the Ideal of Human Rights seen in the Humanistic Concept of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are not reporters but are actually all ACCOMPLICES of the Televised Entertainment for the intellectually unemployed which is then promoted by the Elite Conspiracy under the careful orchestration of Rupert Murdoch to Exalt their pernicious brand of Ayn Rand’s doctrine of their philosophically degraded abortion continuously Trumpeted by blind leaders of the blind like the late William F. Buckley, as that bucket of hogslop that is just politically obsolescent Conservative Fatalism; otherwise defined as Social Darwinism; which is just a disguised version of Morally Bankrupt Nihilism known as de facto semi – fascist Conservative Republicanism, now daily exalted from the Abyss of Mankind’s Fallen Nature of Selfishness, Avarice and the Bottomless Pit of Greed and the Lust for Power to the Heaven of the Hell of White Supremacy and Satanic Pride that is the Calling Card of FOX News

FOX News has the singular sad honor of being America’s morally debauched and PERVERSELY hypocritical Department of Russian Propaganda whose sole agenda has totally undermined any faith in the Constitution and Rule of Law; now openly betrayed by the 1% at every turn in their Open Treason against the Federal Government and the DOJ and their continual trashing of any and all Societal Values

This can be seen in their victory of Satan warring against Truth by the completion of their strategy in making the loss of Civil Discourse in the Voice of the Body Politic bloody well permanent in the Cancer of our Corporate Right Wing Media in that very Body that is now officially brain dead in a third of the deluded populace

The Playbook of Lucifer in the Dying Body of his Last Incarnation before the Lake of Fire: The Last Trump

From January 6th until now we are all forced to watch as the triumph of Amerika’s Fascist Insurrectionists addicted to the myths and working theories of people following the logic of those lost souls like George Webb and his hypocritical ilk continue unabated

Hypocrisy Is The Homage that Vice pays to Virtue

The power to pick our own form of government is in our own hands in America, and always has been. Isn’t it curious you never heard anyone say this before???

But the 1% know full well this inherent power of the American People by their very treason in having successfully accomplished their Koch Brothers goal in utterly corrupting the Supreme Court by having three men lie their way onto the Bench by committing perjury in their Public and Vocal Avowal of Roe Versus Wade as Settled Law in an obvious conspiracy by the Heritage Foundation and a host of others to decimate Justice for All.

The Men of Belial and the Revenge of the 1%

STUDY as you will the work of Alexis de Tocqueville and other European examiners of Americas root in its Grand Experiment in Representational Democracy, you will find it is their knowledge of one salient point in the Constitution that until now has been buried under the heel of those Rich and Powerful men determined to bring into power a Theocratic State of Unbridled Oppression in the name of their Kingdom of Darkness

These Evangelical Racists and supporters of Trumpism’s blend of White Nationalism called Nazism as of the AXIS Beast, and White Supremacy called Xenophobic Racism as of the FASCIST Image of the Beast are they whose decision to end the Separation of Church and State was plainly seen for the giving of the Title of Nobility as reserved for none other than Reverend Sun Myung Moon in the Dirksen Center in DC; arranged by Senator Lindsey Graham and the pedophile Dennis Hastert, at the time he was the Republican Speaker of the House who is now in prison for convictions of Pedophilia cases going back decades

Yet these are the same people who then went from giving Reverend Moon and his wife actual crowns on Federal Property against Title 3 of the Constitution itself attended by Many Republican politicians and a few Democrats are they whose choice for America and their love of Antichristian Royalty was then in 2016 with a self deluded liar and toxic narcissistic sociopath for their Nutzi SAVIOR, none other than the Southern Neo Confederate Messiah of the White Race: Donald Trump. And Richard Romine is quite right: the Nutzis are in full bloom

It is Trump the Conman who they decided was going to be installed for life as the American Mussolini, as his marriage to Ivana promoted by the Italian Band of the American Black Hand by the House of Savoy; of which news most Americans are blissfully unaware, even though the House of Savoy were the ones that were responsible for making Mussolini their political Idol in their Italian Senate; who then used continuous violence and numerous assassinations to finally take over the government

It is no secret that the Right Wing wants to dismantle and burn the Constitution to the Ground so that we can have a government with a faux Messiah like the first family of Satan that rules North Korea, and has for three generations, certainly somewhat mystifying in a communist state where supposedly royalty and monarchy are forbidden

Celebrating the Birthday of the prophet in the Dr Martin Luther King Celebration

But of course here I would have to speak of the Blessing that came to the Black Race on the foundation of their 430 Years of Slavery here in America as of a racist Egypt, which indeed it was at that time and now has been resurrected with that White Crow of Osiris Jim Crow, that Justice Scalia and the racist South brought back to life by ending the Voting Rights Act in reality.

And the logic that they used to destroy Dr Martin Luther King’s Legacy in eviscerating the Voting Rights Act for which he died was to say that racism was no longer an issue in America and we didn’t need laws to enforce racial Justice. !!!!

Wow. Scalia was THE MAN of Belial himself, a lying Imp from Hell.

And with the Legalization of Graft in Citizens United and the end of Racial Justice in America by gutting the Voting Rights Act Scalia almost single-handedly had and still continues from the grave to destroy Representational Democracy and the Republic itself for which it stands. Not the one you now can buy which is in its Grave.

The Tombstone on the Political Grave of Freedom that says “For Sale” and how it happened by defeating U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

Judge Scalia betrayed the Constitution and his oath when he killed the Republic with Citizens United giving us the new marriage after they had legalized BRIBERY in DC by calling it Lobbying and therefore we got the total takeover with Scalia when they got him to Legally legalize GRAFT; but then as he continued his murderous Rampage to end Representational Democracy forever we then witnessed the GOP Justices and Scalia taking the step to then gut the Voting Rights Act: and thus nullify the sacrifice and, in a direct way; the entire life of Dr Martin Luther King.

The Legacy of Dr Martin Luther King

The legacy of Dr Martin Luther King was in having established Federal Protection for the rights of every single American citizen to Vote: a Sacred Right which gives us Vox Populi: in which the Voice of the People as heard as their Vote

But Scalia as Mr Injustice himself, that Bloody Imp from Hell the traitor to the Justice he swore to uphold definitively removed Voting Equality in one stroke by making it a States right issue; which had been and now once again was the cause of the problem in the South and Midwest that Scalia Resurrected!!!!! … Jim Crow, back from the Dead !!!

How Jim Crow was brought back to life in the resurrection of what came to be Donald Trump’s Supreme Court engineered by Justice Scalia before he died

Thus we have the Resurrecting of Jim Crow by the Southern States of the Neo Confederacy that fell into place for Trump and his base so they could later build their Unconstitutional Royal Family in the mold of North Korea, with Trump as the White Messiah for the White Race: the Antichrist Donald Trump as the White Christian Supremacist Image of the Beast promoting Racism and Xenophobia here in America; but yet whose heritage was originally as an immigrant family from Germany, but one that raised Trump on the White Christian Nationalist Religion of Nazism

Returning the power to vote to the states in the south was Scalia throwing in the towel for the defeat and end of equal rights surely be next and was seen in the repeal of Roe versus Wade once again justifying the entire Confederacy and complete misogyny and patriarchal chauvinism: the White Crow of Osiris that sits on the Balcony of the Lorraine Motel outside the door of the Room where Dr. King was shot, the racist South and it’s systemic racism having been the problem to begin with

This Racism is the Southern Status Quo, and has become one huge Problem for America, and has never been solved since Racism is the Southern Kryptonite for their White Evangelical Supermen; which was why the Federal Protection was there in the first place to protect Voting Rights in the Deep South because of the racist mentality of the Southern block that’s been ingrained into them since birth by the separation of the White Evangelical Movement from the Christian Faith in which all Men are Brothers. .

This was begun by Billy Graham as White Evangelism divided itself from the entire body of the Black Baptist Church entirely: therefore the fall of Christianity in America is due to the fact that “A house divided against itself cannot Stand” especially if the foundation is rotten and it’s philosophical root is in the stage of Rigor Mortis.

The Root of the Foundation of the Christian Churches collapse as a whole in America right at the place where it should stand strongest: latitude to latitude the South from Texas to Florida is emblematic in the Antichristian separation of the Christian Church into a lilywhite exclusionary church of Belial for whites and an isolated black church of Christ for blacks that exists in the South to this very day, and which is why Christianity ended up falling to its demise beginning there, with the assistance of charlatans like Jerry Falwell and those who abrogated to themselves things they had not yet earned like Reverend Moon; the Architect of Dominionism

Dominionism and the legacy of Reverend Moon in the South and in Washington DC

Let us lay the end of representative democracy at the feet of the man who killed the Republic and winning Scalia who then destroyed the Legacy and sacrifice of Dr King by getting the votes right act into a shadow of itself therefore nullifying the entire sacrifice of Dr King’s entire life

The crime of Justice Scalia was to legalize graft with citizens united which is basically the buying and selling a politician’s to gain political influence economic advantage and a voice at the table of discourse that is actually a paid actor for one special interest or another

Reverend Moon was the cheerleader for Ronald Reagan and had his entire church advocating and working for Reagan every single minute until he was elected which of course is inflatement violation of the separation of church and state in which religious organizations are forbidden to be politically dominant as a voice when their role is supposedly that of moral guidance not voting racist archetypes from the John Birch Society like Ronald Wilson Reagan: the man with the Name of the Number of the Beast 666

The moment that Scalia had been able to say that corporations were people he had inherently taken the position of God by being a father giving his creature it’s Corporate Sovereignty: with it’s breath of life with “Money is Speech”, Money as it’s lifeblood and discarnate Corporate life, which happened to be the Image of the Beast seen later of the Man as his Mark: Trump… with this very treachery…

Scalia ended the Republic with the Borg: the Corporate Power as Absolute: and in this act gave life unto the image of the Beast we now see as the walking talking Donald of his Corporate Identity as Trump. The Global one: the Son of Perdition now trying to block mail United States government into forgiving him by threatening to reveal information in the secrets ….the National secrets he stole.

Scalia via his creation of an image as the corporate image that had now been brought to life with the rights of a person in Citizens United was now going to assume a form that no single person could compete with Donald Trump; and with the addition of making money speech The Voice of this creature was now the loudest one in the room and of course it was the worst of them all, the creation of Roy Cohn, the Great White Hope of Jeffrey Epstein: Don “the Con” Trump was now ascendant

The White Nationalist Beast of Nazism which called itself a white Christian Nationalist movement has its duplicate in America and what is described in the Revelation as the White Supremacist Image of this Beast seen in the man and the corporation of Donald Trump who Scalia skillfully ended up making into a living image kept alive by money from his Grave, satanically

With money as speech the voice of Trump and his trumpism has drowned out all civil discourse in America by making the entire process a circus in which there is only one act and one actor who is Donald Trump himself

But with the end of the Voting Rights Act with its Federal Protection it was then that Trump and his strategy of racist ideology therefore made it impossible to amplify the reality of the actual Republic which belongs to every race and nationality on Earth by its very definition; a national policy of Racist tropes appeared at that point from the White House so that Voting Rights basically ceased to exist unless fought for in State and local courts and even then were often defeated by Jim Crow tactics now brought back to life

Jim Crow as the white crow of Osiris in a racist Egypt in which Dr King and Aaron Presley both died in Memphis …’s something of which I will speak of later on


The Time of Great Trouble: the Day in which the Son of Man is Revealed and the Hour of Temptation

“……I am Terrible….. but my husband is Great;

and together we are the Great and Terrible Day of the LORD.”

Lady Peace

.For ye know perfectly well that the Day of Jehovah so cometh as a Thief in the Night…..

Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King in Atlanta

The Reality of the New Jim Crow and the forgotten Treason of Justice Antonin Scalia

Today I must begin these words in honor of the man whose Legacy Antonin Scalia Supreme Court Justice totally destroyed, and it is here that I will begin the campaign to avenge each and every violation of our Open Society that has been deified and celebrated by those Men and Women of Belial who are now LEGION in America; and are now revealed at work in every nation in the World At Large.
Their goal ??? To make the World Safe for Totalitarian Fascism again, apparently ….
These corrupt Kings of the Earth that rule in every nation have now reached their demise for the time is now at hand for the Kingdom of God to be established, the establishment only being necessary to exist by having one declaration that shows exactly what the real power of the Constitution is in America even though unknown.
What I am going to reveal today is an Open Secret, of which I have a collection; but I am doing so to take my position in the House of Public Discourse Forum as the voice of Justice herself: as the Wrath of the Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World
My husband. The Lamb……..
Also known as “The Resurrection and the Life”; that Holy Thing with 7 Horns and 7 Eyes.
For this reason I am today establishing the Kingdom of God on this Earth which is that one in which “dwelleth righteousness”.
This Kingdom therefore is one of Justice, but it began with the Bride as Judgment, for God loves Judgment…….
……Righteous Judgment; but it is the Lamb’s Wife as Justice herself which now must be established.
The Open Secret
The Open Secret that the 1% buried is that the people of America through the power of Amendment that is given to us in our Constitution can themselves by a 2/3 majority create the government that they want exactly the way they want it to be by that power given to us in the Constitution.
The United Will and Power of the American People potentially rests in itself choosing what form of government that it wants and which it can create by voting it into existence by a simple majority of 2/3 of the 50 States of America.
A More Perfect Union
If I have simply revealed therefore the voice of the people, Vox Populi, and show it’s dreams can become reality it is because that power was given to us to actually make a More Perfect Union as a Work in Progress which is why America was and is the foundation to receive the kingdom of God on Earth for that very reason.
The Experiment in Participatory Democracy which we are all now Woke to was recently initiated by the Messenger in the Chariot of Fire who laid that Foundation by his 40 Years in the Wilderness of the House of Representatives and the Senate; I speak, of course, of Senator Bernie Sanders.
The Messenger of Justice in the Chariot of Fire
Who has called for the 4 Position Foundation of Justice that is the Foundation on which will be set the Kingdom of a New Heaven and a New Earth??
It is he who spent 40 years in the political Wilderness of Washington DC who has asked for Economic Justice, Social Justice, Racial Justice and Environmental Justice.
People sneer and make callous and ignorant remarks about Bernie Sanders in certain conscientiously extinct Political Parties like the New Nazi Party of the Neo Confederate South formerly known as the GOP whenever they have their TRIBUNAL of Moral Relativism and it’s fraudulent mouthpieces of disinformation open their slime encrusted orifices every day to poison the Well of Civic Debate and subvert all Civil Discourse in America
They who love Legalized Oppression and Societally Ingrained Systemic Racism with a large helping of White Triumphalist Religious Intolerance hate Senator Bernie Sanders with a passion, and consistently misrepresent everything he stands for and fights for in his mission to reverse the policies of the 1% to therefore defeat them and save the Working Poor and failing Middle Class that are under attack day and night by Fox News and their accomplices in right wing media with a cascade of lies and half truths every single bloody News cycle … never ending Fifth Column KGB style Putinism is alive and well in the USA by the Republican fall into de facto Treason as their Modus Operandi as they take their cues and talking points from the Gremlin in the Kremlin
The Cancer of Putin: the Fascist Christ of the Russian Orthodox Church
We who fight for Justice in America and this World all look aghast at the constant waving of the the Standard of Corruption for the Republican Jesus who us actually the god DIS which is the invisible source out of which are come all the GOP’s endless Lies of Omission on every subject: which lies are LEGION.
The End of Herodian Politics as of that modern day FOX once called Herod now called Rupert Murdoch
These FOX entertainers are active participants in the destruction of the American Dream and the Ideal of Human Rights seen in the Humanistic Concept of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are not reporters but are actually all ACCOMPLICES of the Televised Entertainment for the intellectually unemployed which is then promoted by the Elite Conspiracy under the careful orchestration of Rupert Murdoch to Exalt their pernicious brand of Ayn Rand’s doctrine of their philosophically degraded abortion continuously Trumpeted by blind leaders of the blind like the late William F. Buckley, as that bucket of hogslop that is just politically obsolescent Conservative Fatalism; otherwise defined as Social Darwinism; which is just a disguised version of Morally Bankrupt Nihilism known as de facto semi – fascist Conservative Republicanism, now daily exalted from the Abyss of Mankind’s Fallen Nature of Selfishness, Avarice and the Bottomless Pit of Greed and the Lust for Power to the Heaven of the Hell of White Supremacy and Satanic Pride that is the Calling Card of FOX News
FOX News has the singular sad honor of being America’s morally debauched and PERVERSELY hypocritical Department of Russian Propaganda whose sole agenda has totally undermined any faith in the Constitution and Rule of Law; now openly betrayed by the 1% at every turn in their Open Treason against the Federal Government and the DOJ and their continual trashing of any and all Societal Values
This can be seen in their victory of Satan warring against Truth by the completion of their strategy in making the loss of Civil Discourse in the Voice of the Body Politic bloody well permanent in the Cancer of our Corporate Right Wing Media in that very Body that is now officially brain dead in a third of the deluded populace
The Playbook of Lucifer in the Dying Body of his Last Incarnation before the Lake of Fire: The Last Trump
From January 6th until now we are all forced to watch as the triumph of Amerika’s Fascist Insurrectionists addicted to the myths and working theories of people following the logic of those lost souls like George Webb and his hypocritical ilk continue unabated
Hypocrisy Is The Homage that Vice pays to Virtue
The power to pick our own form of government is in our own hands in America, and always has been. Isn’t it curious you never heard anyone say this before???
But the 1% know full well this inherent power of the American People by their very treason in having successfully accomplished their Koch Brothers goal in utterly corrupting the Supreme Court by having three men lie their way onto the Bench by committing perjury in their Public and Vocal Avowal of Roe Versus Wade as Settled Law in an obvious conspiracy by the Heritage Foundation and a host of others to decimate Justice for All.
The Men of Belial and the Revenge of the 1%
STUDY as you will the work of Alexis de Tocqueville and other European examiners of Americas root in its Grand Experiment in Representational Democracy, you will find it is their knowledge of one salient point in the Constitution that until now has been buried under the heel of those Rich and Powerful men determined to bring into power a Theocratic State of Unbridled Oppression in the name of their Kingdom of Darkness
These Evangelical Racists and supporters of Trumpism’s blend of White Nationalism called Nazism as of the AXIS Beast, and White Supremacy called Xenophobic Racism as of the FASCIST Image of the Beast are they whose decision to end the Separation of Church and State was plainly seen for the giving of the Title of Nobility as reserved for none other than Reverend Sun Myung Moon in the Dirksen Center in DC; arranged by Senator Lindsey Graham and the pedophile Dennis Hastert, at the time he was the Republican Speaker of the House who is now in prison for convictions of Pedophilia cases going back decades
Yet these are the same people who then went from giving Reverend Moon and his wife actual crowns on Federal Property against Title 3 of the Constitution itself attended by Many Republican politicians and a few Democrats are they whose choice for America and their love of Antichristian Royalty was then in 2016 with a self deluded liar and toxic narcissistic sociopath for their Nutzi SAVIOR, none other than the Southern Neo Confederate Messiah of the White Race: Donald Trump. And Richard Romine is quite right: the Nutzis are in full bloom
It is Trump the Conman who they decided was going to be installed for life as the American Mussolini, as his marriage to Ivana promoted by the Italian Band of the American Black Hand by the House of Savoy; of which news most Americans are blissfully unaware, even though the House of Savoy were the ones that were responsible for making Mussolini their political Idol in their Senate; who then used continuous violence and numerous assassinations to finally take over the government
It is no secret that the Right Wing wants to dismantle and burn the Constitution to the Ground so that we can have a government with a faux Messiah like the first family of Satan that rules North Korea, and has for three generations, certainly somewhat mystifying in a communist state where supposedly royalty and monarchy are forbidden
Celebrating the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King
But of course here I would have to speak of the Blessing that came to the Black Race on the foundation of their 430 Years of Slavery here in America as of a racist Egypt, which indeed it was at that time and now has been resurrected with that White Crow of Osiris Jim Crow, that Justice Scalia and the racist South brought back to life by ending the Voting Rights Act in reality.
And the logic that they used to destroy Dr Martin Luther King’s Legacy in eviscerating the Voting Rights Act for which he died was to say that racism was no longer an issue in America and we didn’t need laws to enforce racial Justice. !!!!
Wow. Scalia was THE MAN of Belial himself, a lying Imp from Hell.
And with the Legalization of Graft in Citizens United and the end of Racial Justice in America by gutting the Voting Rights Act Scalia almost single-handedly had and still continues from the grave to destroy Representational Democracy and the Republic itself for which it stands. Not the one you now can buy which is in its Grave.
The Tombstone on the Political Grave of Freedom that says “For Sale” and how it happened
Judge Scalia betrayed the Constitution and his oath when he killed the Republic with Citizens United giving us the new marriage after they had legalized Bribery in DC by calling it Lobbying and therefore we got the total takeover with Scalia when they got him to Legally legalize GRAFT; but then as he continued his murderous Rampage to end Representational Democracy forever we then witnessed the GOP Justices and Scalia taking the step to then gut the Voting Rights Act: and thus nullify the sacrifice and, in a direct way; the entire life of Dr Martin Luther King.
The Legacy of Dr Martin Luther King
The legacy of Dr Martin Luther King was in having established Federal Protection for the rights of every single American citizen to Vote: a Sacred Right which gives us Vox Populi: in which the Voice of the People as heard as their Vote
But Scalia as Mr Injustice himself, that Bloody Imp from Hell the traitor to the Justice he swore to uphold definitively removed Voting Equality in one stroke by making it a States right issue; which had been and now once again was the cause of the problem in the South and Midwest that Scalia Resurrected!!!!! … Jim Crow, back from the Dead !!!
How Jim Crow was brought back to life in the Resurrection of what came to be Donald Trump’s Supreme Court engineered by Justice Scalia before he died
Thus we have the Resurrecting of Jim Crow by the Southern States of the Neo Confederacy that fell into place for Trump and his base so they could later build their Unconstitutional Royal Family in the mold of North Korea, with Trump as the White Messiah for the White Race: the Antichrist Donald Trump as the White Christian Supremacist Image of the Beast promoting Racism and Xenophobia here in America; but yet whose heritage was originally as an immigrant family from Germany, but one that raised Trump on the White Christian Nationalist Religion of Nazism
Returning the power to vote to the states in the south was Scalia throwing in the towel for the defeat and end of equal rights surely be next and was seen in the repeal of Roe versus Wade once again justifying the entire Confederacy and complete misogyny and patriarchal chauvinism: the White Crow of Osiris that sits on the Balcony of the Lorraine Motel outside the door of the Room where Dr. King was shot, the racist South and it’s systemic racism having been the problem to begin with
This Racism is the Southern Status Quo, and has become one huge Problem for America, and has never been solved since Racism is the Southern Kryptonite for their White Evangelical Supermen; which was why the Federal Protection was there in the first place to protect Voting Rights in the Deep South because of the racist mentality of the Southern block that’s been ingrained into them since birth by the separation of the White Evangelical Movement from the Christian Faith in which all Men are Brothers. .
This was begun by Billy Graham as White Evangelism divided itself from the entire body of the Black Baptist Church entirely: therefore the fall of Christianity in America is due to the fact that “A house divided against itself cannot Stand” especially if the foundation is rotten and it’s philosophical root is in the stage of Rigor Mortis.
The Root of the Foundation of the Christian Churches collapse as a whole in America right at the place where it should stand strongest: latitude to latitude the South from Texas to Florida is emblematic in the Antichristian separation of the Christian Church into a lilywhite exclusionary church of Belial for whites and an isolated black church of Christ for blacks that exists in the South to this very day, and which is why Christianity ended up falling to its demise beginning there, with the assistance of charlatans like Jerry Falwell and those who abrogated to themselves things they had not yet earned like Reverend Moon; the Architect of Dominionism
Dominionism and the legacy of Reverend Moon in the South and in Washington DC
Let us lay the end of representative democracy at the feet of the man who killed the Republic and winning Scalia who then destroyed the Legacy and sacrifice of Dr King by getting the votes right act into a shadow of itself therefore nullifying the entire sacrifice of Dr King’s entire life
The crime of Justice Scalia was to legalize graft with citizens united which is basically the buying and selling a politician’s to gain political influence economic advantage and a voice at the table of discourse that is actually one paid actor for one special interest or another
Reverend Moon was the cheerleader for Ronald Reagan and had his entire church advocating and working for Reagan every single minute until he was elected which of course is inflatement violation of the separation of church and state in which religious organizations are forbidden to be politically dominant as a voice when their role is supposedly that of moral guidance not voting racist archetypes from the John Birch Society like Ronald Wilson Reagan: the man with the Name of the Number of the Beast 666
The moment that Scalia had been able to say that corporations were people he had inherently taken the position of God by being a father giving his creature it’s Corporate Sovereignty: with it’s breath of life with “Money is Speech”, Money as it’s lifeblood and discarnate Corporate life, which happened to be the Image of the Beast seen later of the Man as his Mark: Trump… with this very treachery…
Scalia ended the Republic with the Borg: the Corporate Power as Absolute: and in this act gave life unto the image of the Beast we now see as the walking talking Donald of his Corporate Identity as Trump. The Global one: the Son of Perdition now trying to block mail United States government into forgiving him by threatening to reveal information in the secrets ….the National secrets he stole.
Scalia via his creation of an image as the corporate image that had now been brought to life with the rights of a person in Citizens United was now going to assume a form that no single person could compete with Donald Trump; and with the addition of making money speech The Voice of this creature was now the loudest one in the room and of course it was the worst of them all, the creation of Roy Cohn, the Great White Hope of Jeffrey Epstein: Don “the Con” Trump was now ascendant
The White Nationalist Beast of Nazism which called itself a white Christian Nationalist movement has its duplicate in America and what is described in the Revelation as the White Supremacist Image of this Beast seen in the man and the corporation of Donald Trump who Scalia skillfully ended up making into a living image kept alive by money from his Grave, satanically
With money as speech the voice of Trump and his trumpism has drowned out all civil discourse in America by making the entire process a circus in which there is only one act and one actor who is Donald Trump himself
But with the end of the Voting Rights Act with its Federal Protection it was then that Trump and his strategy of racist ideology therefore made it impossible to amplify the reality of the actual Republic which belongs to every race and nationality on Earth by its very definition; a naational policy of Racist tropes appeared at that point from the White House so that Voting Rights basically ceased to exist unless fought for in State and local courts and even then were often defeated by Jim Crow tactics now brought back to life
Jim Crow as the white crow of Osiris in a racist Egypt in which Dr King and Aaron Presley both died in Memphis …’s something of which I will speak of later on

And Then Some….. A look at the Reality of Unification Church Theology

My Father's Servant John: the Messenger of my Father Jesus; of that Day which comes as a Thief in the Night

My Father’s Servant John: the Messenger of my Father Jesus; of that Day which comes as a Thief in the Night

"Our little Sister hath no Breasts"

“Our little Sister hath no Breasts”

The Destiny of Sister Princess Maria Faustina of Poland

The Destiny of Sister Princess Maria Faustina of Poland

The Three Great Blessings.


There is little doubt that Rev. Moon was the first one to find the pattern of the three great blessings, and how the restoration of these Three Blessings was to be found at every level of the 7 levels of the providence by the 7 lords of the restoration: and conclusively.

        It would be idiotic to deny that this was actually something that each providential and central figure was doing to fulfill the will of God, since Rev. Moon shows exactly how Jacob, Abraham, Moses and others were set in doing this very thing.

The numerical evidence alone outweighs any denial: and Rev. Moon did not originate or make up these things, they are now there clearly revealed to the entire world, or at least to those now or formerly in the Unification Church, and lastly myself, as one who learned how to read at an early age.


Islam was denied their true status as the Second Israel in Rev. Moons book "Divine Principle". Infact they are not even mentioned as having any bearing on the Providence at all.

Islam was denied their true status as the Second Israel in Rev. Moons book “Divine Principle”. In fact they are not even mentioned as having any bearing on the Providence at all.

       Starting at about page 351 of the black book we have Rev. Moon’s exposition of the 3 great temptations in the correspondent course of the pattern of these 3 great blessing in an exact parallel, showing how Jesus restores these blessings in his 40 day course in the Wilderness at the global level.

        This makes perfect sense until Mr. Moon says my Father was a failure who was crucified in the position of John the Baptist and who did not even resurrect in his flesh and bone, as Jesus conclusively states and says to Doubting Thomas in the Gospel, but for Rev. Moon the Gospel can be dispensed with; and for those who are truly wise like himself we must aver that Jesus was just a “spirit” after his resurrection, wandering now as a ghost transcendent of “space and time”, who could even appear in locked rooms and was therefore not in a physical body because that would be IMPOSSIBLE: according to Rev. Moon.

      Rev. Moon then says my Father Jesus died without performing any of the duties of the Messiah ( forgetting Palm Sunday, when he entered Zion in Glory with Lazarus who he raised from the dead, in the position of John the Baptists dead body, fulfilled the Scripture as Christ the Lord in Zechariah, beyond the shadow of a doubt ) and then Mr. Moon leaves the Gospel of Christ with Korean punctuality as soon as it suited him: which was immediately after 1960 when he said he was the Lamb and that he had fulfilled all of the scripture and that Bo Hui Pak was then John the Baptist and….well……we know what happened next at Yankee Stadium in 1976 when it went so terribly, terribly wrong.

         But the three great blessings of “ ( 1) be fruitful, ( 2) multiply, ( 3), subdue the earth and have dominion”; were clearly pointed out as being what the pattern was when the devil asked Jesus to turn stone into bread ( as being fruitful in attaining the powers of Adam or “son of God”), and then to throw himself down ( as the angels would catch him because he was “the son of God” ), and then to worship him and be given the whole earth as the dominion ( because then he would have dominion as the “son of God” )

        Rev. Moon clearly stated that Jesus overcame the devil and that the three great blessings were then restored in this exact pattern: but then, we have a problem: this is not the version we see in Luke.

       The version we see in Luke is different, and the terminology and the tone are completely different as well. If one is wrong then the other is right: but Rev. Moon showed that Matthew was the exact pattern of the 3 Blessings restored; so now we have some flawed human scribe called Luke who got it all wrong and we can move one: right?

       No.. Not at all. 


The Cross of Jerusalem; when the City of St. Francis became the New Mecca; as Mecca had once become the New Jerusalem: even as Jerusalem was the New Salem...this is my City Not Forsakenthat as the Third Israel's "New Jerusalem"

The Cross of Jerusalem; when the City of St. Francis became the New Mecca; as Mecca had once become the New Jerusalem: even as Jerusalem was the New Salem…this is my City Not Forsakenthat as the Third Israel’s “New Jerusalem”


We can’t. And we can’t because this was meant to be this way, for the one who would take the road of Joseph, who becomes the one called “the faithful and wise steward / servant” of Luke and Matthew, and for the Son of Joseph, who is unknown: but is the Lost Sheep of the house of Israel. 


The prodigal son: Solomon.

       But this Solomon is the one who built the 3 altars on the Mount of Olives to the Triple Goddess, one for Ashtoreth, one for Molech and one for the goddess Milcom….but the one for the daughter of Pharaoh was the worst,  for which it can now can be revealed that this was the real reason that my Father Jesus prayed 3 times to God that the Cup of Death would pass from him at Gethsemane: and now you will know why that happened.

       The one that my Father Jesus was really fighting with in the wilderness for that 40 days: the one who had sold himself to the Devil and been given all the kingdoms of the earth long before Jesus ever walked in Galilee: that fallen one was Solomon.

       Solomon, Apollyon, the black sheep; the one lost of the 100 was the lost sheep, as that one who had to be restored of the 99 to once again have the 100. This is why my Father said.

      “…For the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost..”

        He wasn’t talking about mankind itself in a generality: he was specifically referring to Solomon, the prodigal son of David, who had fallen into the clutches of the devil and who which the 10 tribes had also then followed into the abyss as well, because Solomon dragged them down with him. The 12 tribes were separated and the 10 of the Northern Tribes were given to Rehoboam, as of when the garment he wore was ripped into 12 pieces by the prophet, and 10 pieces given to him due to Solomon having fallen….and when Solomon died Rehoboam came back from hiding in Egypt….thus the division once again of the ten and the two….as seen with the ten sons of Jacob with Leah…as opposed to the two from Rachel, Joseph and Benjamin…

       That is why the garment that had been that of the king was ripped into 12 pieces by the prophet and the ten were lost, as the 10 tribes were soon to become lost; and only two pieces remained, which were all of the kingdom of  Judah remaining.

        This is why, although few know the reason why this is written in the Old Testament.

        I do.

       Solomon was he who feared Death more than God, and who sold himself to Satan the Devil and became Apollo, the one that Zeus, or Azazyel, the fallen Strength of God, who was the Archangel in Paradise, called the god of the sun: Apollo, the last of the gods. The one who gained the whole earth: but lost his soul.

“For all the evil under the sun” That was the refrain of Solomon: but none knew why.

      Until now.

      If you look at the order of the temptations in Luke you will see it was: stone into bread: fall down and worship me, and then; he was taken to the pinnacle of the Temple: and then told, throw yourself down.


The Malediction of Rev. Moon and the Invasion of Satan in the Dajjals' son; Osama, the Son of Laden; the One-eyed Dajjal from Yemen; the poor bricklayer Laden with the "Evil Eye" who became a billionaire....and had 12 sons...

The Malediction of Rev. Moon and the Invasion of Satan in the Dajjals’ son; Osama, the Son of Laden; the One-eyed Dajjal from Yemen; the poor bricklayer Laden with the “Evil Eye” who became a billionaire….and had 12 sons…

      But this order of temptations does not match the pattern of the three great blessings.

But it does match one, the one in which Solomon fell when he was tempted the three times: and fell at the first one with the mark on the hand; commanding the fallen angels with the ring for sorcery, and then the second, with the mark on the forehead for worshipping the dragon and to be able to disappear anytime he desired with the cloak of invisibility, and then the third, to be given the power to “go between”, and appear anywhere he desired on earth which was that of the winged shoes of his fallen dominion:; as ruling over the invisible realms of the jinn or spirits in the 3 lower heavens above the earth and the 3 upper hells below it with the djinn:  becoming that Angel of the Abyss, the King of his, and then others ‘Self Destruction”….Apollyon…otherwise known as “Apollo”, the last of the gods…as of “the sun”. of which Solomon wrote of all that was “…under the sun..”

      There are then three Solomon’s, the younger one, as we see in the Song of Songs, where he finds the female aspect of the soul in his kingship, and then the middle-aged vision of the wise but cynical king in Proverbs, and then at the end, the bitter and skeptically adrift king, in Ecclesiastes.

But it was in his old age that Solomon began to seek how to circumvent his coming death, as the Devil had by that time convinced him that nothing of life would be his portion but the grave; annihilation, in short. Solomon did not believe in resurrection…for him Death was final…and everlasting….

The Bride, the Lamb's Wife is the Virgin Daughter of Light, the Daughter of Allah

The Bride, the Lamb’s Wife is the Virgin Daughter of Light, the Daughter of Allah

     The Word in its letter is Death: in the stark utterances of Moses and others Solomon interpreted the texts with a more and more concrete literalism; the vision we finally see in Ecclesiastes: no possibility of resurrection, and no place after life but the grave. Man and the beast both have the same life; and are the same in sharing equally the same death.

       The question is then this; who destroyed Solomon? His own shadow, materialism, Midas.

        The 666 talents of gold that we see Solomon collect is in I Kings 10:14, in “one year”.

This “Midas touch” was of his own spiritual materialism, the “daughter” turned to gold in the mth of Midas is the “soul” Solomon lost by selling his soul to the Devil and worshipping him to be given dominion over the earth.

       This is Apollo, rational delusion as Apollyon: self-destruction, the nemesis of Solomon: he who fell in love with his own life or soul, loving only his own life itself, as they of the Northern Kingdom who fell in love with themselves as seen in the myth of Narcissus, the silly dove of Ephraim, in love with their own vain image of themselves: the internal imagination created of their idolization of themselves. Thus the rose suspended over the Abyss is Solomon in love with his own reflection or soul; but it is this very thing that he loses by trying to hold onto it above all else.

       So who does the devil worship?


The Cain and Abel of Korea; Kim Il Sung and Sun Myung Moon

The Cain and Abel of Korea; Kim Il Sung and Sun Myung Moon

      Solomon destroyed himself, he was his own worst enemy, like David was with Bathsheba, but this happened because his fear of Death and the thought that there was nothing after this life but the grave was able to be so pressed into his mind by Satan that he sold himself to continue his existence at any cost, although he thought he had made the best of a bad situation in the bargain for his terms.

        He worshipped Satan upon the Mercyseat of the Ark that Moses had had Bezaleel build, and Solomon had then had brought into the very Temple he had built. But he ruined his own ideal.

        Sensual lust was only part of it, the rest was the desire for immortality at any cost.

        Thus he traded the Ark for his own life, or so he thought.

       And that is when it vanished: right to Baal Hermon, the White Mountain at the northernmost boundary of Israel, the real ‘Olympus’ where the third of the host of the angels came down, and took wives of the daughters of men.

It’s other name????  Mount Sion…..

        And now we shall have a little voyage of discovery. It’s very much like the yacht called New Hope that Rev. Moon used to sail around on: except that the reason that I was brought out from San Francisco after it fell: to start over in New Hope; is the same reason that it was said that the coming of the Son of Man would be as when Lot was led out of Sodom after it was judged; to start a new family in Zoar.

         As I said, the full story was the one I decided to tell you right from the start, a partial or incomplete explanation at this point would be worse than none at all.

         Right now it is you, my friend, who represent the Last Hope of the Unification Church. My friend Glenn Emery is considered a pariah, as he left the Church and took back the Blessing Rev. Moon stole from My Generation, though they don’t know it,, and I am not even considered to be anyone of account by the inverse racism due to the Korean bias, that bias being as of the fact I am not a Korean.


"...then look up; for your Redemption draweth nigh..."

“…then look up; for your Redemption draweth nigh…”

          There is little doubt that you placed high in the estimation of those you served because they saw something in you they decided to reward. But my servant John knows the real reason of your reward: and now both he and my Father Jesus have brought things to this pass so that you will have a real choice; not a fake one.

           Amen, and so be it.

RISING at this LAST DAY: the Arrival of Eviternity as of I Nephi, 14:18, the Book of Mormon and Sura 27:82: the Dabbat al Ard of the Qur’an

The Reality becomes


My Mission is Simple

This is the “proof” which was foretold of me;

but of course; no one really wants to be caught in the Snare of the Messiah;

who returns as the Tabernacle of God as being One Flesh with the Lamb:

they want something else; but not Judgment: the Bride

nor Justice: the Lambs Wife

Nuremberg in April 14th; 1561

“To Glorify His Name Again;

which is the Glory that Sent me”

Few will understand that the change in everyone’s religious dreams and plans has to do with the fact that my Father Jesus now is revealed returning as the Only Wise God the Savior on the Great White Throne of his Glory,

having set down “with his Father on His Throne”

as written at the 7th Overcoming on the Path of the Just

So sitting down ”with his Father”

means that he has now SET DOWN down on the Throne of God….

seen at Revelation 21:3-7;

Returning on the Throne of God

.not as the Son of God

……but as our Father Jesus

in the position of



The reason for the “Secret Advent” on Palm Sunday 2015

On Palm Sunday, March 29th, 2015, I came was sent to Sanctuary Church by Glenn Emery to bring Judgment to the 7th Son of Rev. Moon; of who Rev. Moon had made the claim that this was to be his direct Heir by Blessing him three separate times on 3 very well publicized occasions….

Here on March 29th I was brought to Sanctuary Church from Dublin on a Day that

arrived like a thief in the night

—— Judgment Day:


Let us begin at the Dual Prophecy written of Rev. Moon in both Matthew and Luke where my Father Jesus said of the future arrival of Rev. Moon these  exact words, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to wit;
      “Who then is that faithful and wise steward,
whom his lord shall make ruler over his household,
to give them their portion of meat in due season?
Blessed is that servant whom his LORD will find doing so when he comes.
Truly I tell you, that he will set him over all that he has.
But if and when that servant says in his heart,

My lord delays his coming,”

……..and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants,
and to eat and drink, and to be drunken,
……. then the LORD of that servant will come in a Day when he looketh not for him any longer,
and in an Hour at which he is not aware,
and will cut him in two, and give him his portion with the unfaithful. “

The Sister and the Image; Sister Faustina and the Calling of the Bride

The man who Lindsey Graham and Pedophile Dennis Hastert …. ex GOP-speaker of the House made their financier
"...I saw Lucifer fall from Heaven as Lightning..."

                                            “…I saw Lucifer fall from Heaven as Lightning…”

How the GOP planted the Seeds of Their own Destruction: the Root Causes of our Second Civil War and the Prophetic Regard of Truth

Where Trump Begat This Second Civil War:

Texas, Treason; and Sedition


“…..The Mason-Dixon line is psychological this time.

These people have lost their minds. They have seceded from sanity and reason.

This Civil War isn’t being fought with rifles and pistols.

It’s a war fought with lies and delusions…. “

The Present Moment as of the Final Division of “Time, Times, and the Dividing of Time”

There are those who say my calling as what I have termed being the Scribe of the Emerald Table of Justice as being just the evidence they need to dismiss my mission and the purpose of my existence immediately; saying that that those who abrogate to themselves any claim or statement to having any such mission or actual duty to perform for someone they call their “Father Jesus” is the very proof they need to relegate both myself and my claim to actually having a job for some mythical Table as total poppycock and vainglorious boasting and fantasy. Very well: everyone is welcome to state their opinion of my and my work so we can all ascertain what side of the Present Coming Severance of 2022 at the Body Politic and then the Final Divide of 2024 at the Head, so the Whole Earth can see which side that they stand on.

I say “severance” and “divide” as being specifically in regard of the Final Separation of Light and Darkness called the Last Judgement; hereby mentioned in Matthew in several different allusions; but whose full explanation comes at Matthew 13:36, when the disciples of my Father Jesus asked for the Key of the Teaching, saying, “Declare unto us the Parable of the Tares of the Field”.

After he gives them the Key as defining all the terms he uses he then ends with a curiously absolute declaration, which reaches it’s conclusion at verse 13:49; to wit:

“So shall it be at the End of the World: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, 

And shall cast them into a Furnace of Fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth….”  

“…….The violence of January 6th had been a long time coming, even before the election.

We saw state houses taken over by armed militia “protesting” mask mandates. Public health officials were threatened at their homes. School board members were plagued with taunts of “we know how to find you” at public meetings. Many of these “protesters” are armed.

The RNC even called January 6th “legitimate political discourse.” The threat of political violence is now an everyday feature of right-wing political activism.

Trump didn’t create this phenomenon. He’s just the first president to openly endorse it and coerce the GOP establishment to fully embrace it. The violent rhetoric of the right-wing media was way ahead of him.

Recall original gangster Rush Limbaugh who said decades ago now,

“I tell people don’t kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus — living fossils….

Or consider Ann Coulter when asked what was her biggest ethical dilemma said, “There was one time I had a shot at Clinton. I thought ‘Ann, that’s not going to help your career.'”

Ken Paxton | Fort Sumter illustration (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

Ken Paxton | Fort Sumter illustration (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

“….Just say the Election was corrupt…and leave the rest up to me and my Allies in Congress….”   Donald Trump

Looking back we can see where America witnessed the first acts of the Second Civil War

COMMENTARY: Psycho secession: Texas’ lost-cause lawsuit was the first shot in a new Civil War… Even the right-wing Supreme Court blanched at outright sedition by 126 members of Congress. We must not forget….    By LUCIAN K. TRUSCOTT IV


“…..The Mason-Dixon line is psychological this time.

These people have lost their minds. They have seceded from sanity and reason.

This Civil War isn’t being fought with rifles and pistols.

It’s a war fought with lies and delusions…. “


But what is the nature of this “Delusion” ??? Where is it’s origin in Scripture ??? 

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the LORD shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

II Thessalonians 2:8-12

So let us now go forward; seeing as how Trump as the last incarnation of Lucifer reaches his end…… 

“…..The fantastic lie that has gripped the Republican Party started out with everyone going along with Trump’s fantasy and kind of humoring him. But now it’s taken a deadly turn. Trump has been calling Republican state representatives on the phone and pressuring them to go along with his demands that they ignore the votes that have taken place in swing states and appoint electors that will vote for him.

If they step out of line, they’re branded as traitors, cowards, RINOs. He’s doing this kind of stuff to his own people, to loyal Republicans who have voted the party line since they were in short pants.

When you add in what’s been happening in red states with COVID, it’s jaw-dropping. Governors and Republican-controlled state legislatures are so intimidated that they won’t pass mask mandates and bar closures, not to mention rules against mass gatherings. COVID cases and hospitalizations in red states are off the charts.

They are lining up refrigerated trucks outside hospitals in states like North and South Dakota. Republicans are killing their own people in craven attempts to keep Donald Trump from attacking them on Twitter.

God only knows what’s going to happen in those states when the COVID vaccines become widely available, although we’re getting some idea with reports of people standing up at meetings of county commissioners pledging not only that they won’t wear masks, they’ll also refuse to be vaccinated.

This week it passed the number of Americans killed in World War II, and its victims are just as dead as the bodies buried at Anzio and Normandy. Americans are dying every time Mitch McConnell stands up and blocks a COVID relief bill.

They are dying every time a Republican senator like Ron Johnson presents testimony from an anti-vaxxer as if it were a sane person instead of an outright idiot. They’re dying by the thousands with their mask-less hubris.

They’re dying for Donald Trump, but at least for now, our democracy has not died with them…… “

The 18 states and 126 members of Congress, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise, are seceding from democracy. It amounts to nothing less than an act of sedition by the entire Republican Party, 70 percent of whom believe that Joe Biden’s election was illegitimate, according to a Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday. In contrast, 98 percent of Democrats think Biden’s victory was legitimate, along with 62 percent of independents.

The last time anything like this happened was in 1860, when the election of Abraham Lincoln led almost immediately to declarations of secession by seven states between Dec. 20, 1860 and Feb. 1, 1861. Two months later, on April 12, the bombardment of Fort Sumter began, and the Civil War was underway.

=======================…..Article begins….======================

COMMENTARY: Psycho secession: Texas’ lost-cause lawsuit was the first shot in a new Civil War… Even the right-wing Supreme Court blanched at outright sedition by 126 members of Congress. We must not forget….    By LUCIAN K. TRUSCOTT IV

Originally Published DECEMBER 12, 2020 8:00AM (EST)

They didn’t bother with writing articles of secession this time. No, Ken Paxton, the disgraced attorney general of the state of Texas, did that for them when he filed a lawsuit directly with the Supreme Court seeking to overturn the presidential election.

On Wednesday, Missouri and 16 other states filed a brief with the court seeking to join the Texas lawsuit, which alleges that the four decisive swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia violated the Constitution by allowing mail-in voting in the November election. On Thursday, a majority of the Republican caucus in the House, 126 members of Congress, signed on to the lawsuit along with the instigator in chief, Donald Trump. Twenty-five states and territories signed a brief opposing the Texas lawsuit. Friday evening, the Supreme Court rejected the suit out of hand.

The 18 states and 126 members of Congress, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise, are seceding from democracy. It amounts to nothing less than an act of sedition by the entire Republican Party, 70 percent of whom believe that Joe Biden’s election was illegitimate, according to a Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday. In contrast, 98 percent of Democrats think Biden’s victory was legitimate, along with 62 percent of independents.

The last time anything like this happened was in 1860, when the election of Abraham Lincoln led almost immediately to declarations of secession by seven states between Dec. 20, 1860 and Feb. 1, 1861. Two months later, on April 12, the bombardment of Fort Sumter began, and the Civil War was underway.

It’s not a shooting war — yet — but Texas didn’t just file a lawsuit this week, it set a match to the Constitution of the United States. It isn’t just that these Republicans don’t recognize Joe Biden as our next president. They don’t want to be part of the democracy that this country was founded on. They don’t respect the votes of their fellow citizens. They don’t want what more than 80 million people wanted when they cast their votes in this election. They want what Donald Trump wants.

Thankfully, it’s not the whole country. The Quinnipiac poll found that 60 percent of registered voters think that Biden’s victory was legitimate. But it wasn’t the whole country in 1860, either. It was only after the election of Lincoln that the Southern states seceded from the Union over the issue of slavery.

This time there isn’t a single issue, there’s a single man: Donald Trump. In this way, what’s happening right now in this country is eerily similar to what happened in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s with Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. Trump has identified and used the same sort of mass hysteria Hitler did — a sense of resentment among his supporters that somehow they have been left behind and misunderstood and humiliated, and that only he, Trump, understands them and is willing to stand up for them and will bring back their rightful way of life.

So far, Trump has only played around with the kind of violence that Hitler made use of to achieve power and then consolidate it. Trump used implied violence in the chants of “Lock her up” that energized supporters at his rallies in 2016 and throughout the campaign of 2020. By staying silent this year when armed protesters occupied the State Capitol in Michigan, Trump implied his support, and his exhortations to “liberate” states that were mandating lockdowns to fight COVID were taken by many as invitations to violence. :

Now armed protesters have gathered outside the home of the Michigan secretary of state, and Georgia election officials report that they are receiving death threats and racist voice mails. The Republican Party of Arizona has retweeted exhortations from those who say, “I’m willing to give up my life for this fight,” suggesting it’s time to “die for something.” The New York Times reported this week that the chair of the Wisconsin Elections Commission has said that “people on Twitter have posted photographs of my house.” Another tweet mentioned her children and threatened “I’ve heard you’ll have quite a crowd of patriots showing up at your door.”

The conservative website The Bulwark reported this week that far-right websites have been posting addresses and other personal information about Republican elected officials in Georgia, superimposing target crosshairs over images of their faces.

Right-wing Republicans are in full cheerleader mode trying to turn Kyle Rittenhouse, who is accused of murdering two people and wounding another at a Kenosha, Wisconsin, protest, into a hero of the Trump cause. A Democratic state representative in Pennsylvania told the New York Times that “we’ve been getting emails all the time, all hours of the day and night,” and that “they’re getting more angry, and a lot of calls are saying we won’t be forgetting.”

This kind of stuff is not a joke. The fantastic lie that has gripped the Republican Party started out with everyone going along with Trump’s fantasy and kind of humoring him. But now it’s taken a deadly turn. Trump has been calling Republican state representatives on the phone and pressuring them to go along with his demands that they ignore the votes that have taken place in swing states and appoint electors that will vote for him.

If they step out of line, they’re branded as traitors, cowards, RINOs. He’s doing this kind of stuff to his own people, to loyal Republicans who have voted the party line since they were in short pants.

When you add in what’s been happening in red states with COVID, it’s jaw-dropping. Governors and Republican-controlled state legislatures are so intimidated that they won’t pass mask mandates and bar closures, not to mention rules against mass gatherings. COVID cases and hospitalizations in red states are off the charts.

They are lining up refrigerated trucks outside hospitals in states like North and South Dakota. Republicans are killing their own people in craven attempts to keep Donald Trump from attacking them on Twitter. God only knows what’s going to happen in those states when the COVID vaccines become widely available, although we’re getting some idea with reports of people standing up at meetings of county commissioners pledging not only that they won’t wear masks, they’ll also refuse to be vaccinated.

The Mason-Dixon line is psychological this time. These people have lost their minds. They have seceded from sanity and reason. This Civil War isn’t being fought with rifles and pistols. It’s a war fought with lies and delusions. This week it passed the number of Americans killed in World War II, and its victims are just as dead as the bodies buried at Anzio and Normandy. Americans are dying every time Mitch McConnell stands up and blocks a COVID relief bill. They are dying every time a Republican senator like Ron Johnson presents testimony from an anti-vaxxer as if it were a sane person instead of an outright idiot. They’re dying by the thousands with their mask-less hubris. They’re dying for Donald Trump, but at least for now, our democracy has not died with them.

Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist and screenwriter. He has covered stories such as Watergate, the Stonewall riots and wars in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also the author of five bestselling novels and several unsuccessful motion pictures. He has three children, lives on the East End of Long Island and spends his time Worrying About the State of Our Nation and madly scribbling in a so-far fruitless attempt to Make Things Better. You can read his daily columns at and follow him on Twitter @LucianKTruscott and on Facebook at Lucian K. Truscott IV.

A Further Witness 4/18/2015

……………………………………..Elijah rises on 4-18-2015………………………….

“There is coming a messenger, there is coming a messenger who will bring equity and justice to the poor, and to the weak, and who will stand for ’the least of these.’”

….I am not a theologian, I am not an expert on the Bible, nor am I a Catholic. I am just a United States senator from the small state of Vermont. But I agree with Pope Francis, who will soon be coming to visit us in the United States.

I agree with Pope Francis when he says, and I quote,

“The current financial crisis originated in a profound human crisis, the denial of the primacy of the human person,” and this is what he writes: “We have created new idols. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose,” end of quote.

And the pope also writes, quote,

“There is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. Money has to serve, not to rule,” end of quote.

Now those are pretty profound words, which I hope we will all think about. In the pope’s view, and I agree with him, we are living in a nation and in a world, and the Bible speaks to this issue, in a nation and in a world which worships not love of brothers and sisters, not love of the poor and the sick, but worships the acquisition of money and great wealth. I do not believe that is the country we should be living in.

Money and wealth should serve the people. The people should not have to serve money and wealth. (APPLAUSE)…..”

Jim the Evangelist bears Witness from that Night

Hi my name is Jim. I am the guy who recently posted onto Reddit under the Sanders4President Subreddit that I’m a Liberty University Alumni, and that I support Bernie, and think that he’s a good spokesman for justice.

I thought I would take a second to, sort of, unpack that, because I could tell there’s a lot of people, both Evangelical conservative folk and more liberal Bernie-supporting folk, who are very confused that I could occupy both worlds. So, I thought, I’ll take a few seconds and explain myself, and maybe that will be helpful for the conversation….”

Later on he says about Bernie Sanders this, to wit:

“….That’s the wild-haired Jew that I saw up on that stage. I saw, and felt, the same voice coming from the Bible when I read about John the Baptist, who cried out in the desert to the Pharisees, warning them that Jesus was coming, the messenger of God. And that he was coming to restore justice, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and to value ’the least of these’ when the Pharisees had failed.

And as I heard Bernie talking, and as I listened to his cries for justice, I remembered, suddenly, what Jesus had actually said in the Book of Luke, when he unravels the scroll in the synagogue, and he quotes the Book of Isaiah, which says that the Son of God was coming. And then he says, “This has been fulfilled in your presence here today.” He quotes the book of Isaiah which says that the Son of God is coming to bring justice, and Jesus says “it is now come to pass in your presence.” And he says, “I have come to bring Gospel to the poor.”

Gospel—is that word we Evangelical Christians have based everything on. Gospel means ‘good news.’ And Jesus said “I have come to bring good news to the poor.” To restore sight to the blind, to stand with the suffering, to set the captives free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.


As I heard Bernie Sanders crying out to the religious leaders at Liberty University, in his hoarse voice, with his wild hair, this Jew, and he proclaimed justice over us. He called us to account for being complicit with those who are wealthy and those who are powerful and for abandoning the poor, ‘the least of these’ who Jesus said he had come to bring good news to.

And in that moment, something occurred to me, as I saw Bernie Sanders up there, as I watched him I realized: Bernie Sanders, for President, is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders for President is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders is Gospel for the poor……”

+++++++++++Entire Statement++++++++++

Jim the Evangelist bears Witness from that Night

Hi my name is Jim. I am the guy who recently posted onto Reddit under the Sanders4President Subreddit that I’m a Liberty University Alumni, and that I support Bernie, and think that he’s a good spokesman for justice.

I thought I would take a second to, sort of, unpack that, because I could tell there’s a lot of people, both Evangelical conservative folk and more liberal Bernie-supporting folk, who are very confused that I could occupy both worlds. So, I thought, I’ll take a few seconds and explain myself, and maybe that will be helpful for the conversation.

So a little bit about me. I am not a current student at Liberty. If I was, I actually wouldn’t have been able to post onto that Reddit board and say that I’m supporting Bernie. There is an Honor Code at Liberty University, and while it’s not always enforced, if you support a candidate who is pro-choice or pro-gay marriage, you can be punished by the University, up to and including expulsion from the school. So as a graduate of Liberty University, I’m in a good position to represent folks that might go there and people from the Evangelical tradition, but not be within the world that they can, you know, punish me for my opinion.

So I got my Bachelors degree in Religion from Liberty University, and I also got my Masters degree from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Therapy. In 2004 I worked for the George W. Bush campaign. I spent about 8 years as a Conservative pastor. And also as a schoolteacher at a conservative Christian academy. And today I serve my community as a therapist and also a pastoral counselor, somebody that folks from churches might go see to get counseling whenever they want to see somebody who’s both a clinical counselor but also a pastor.

So I serve all those roles. I think I’m pretty much a card-carrying Evangelical Christian. I still subscribe to a conservative evangelical theology. And what that means, a lot of people get confused when they hear the word ‘conservative,’ they assume you mean politically. ‘Conservative theology’ means that I believe the Bible is trustworthy, I think that God inspired it, Jesus was absolutely real, and really died on the cross, and really did resurrect three days later; and I am an Evangelical Christian in that way.

So, how did I come to find myself supporting Bernie Sanders? How did that evolution take place? How could it be that in 2004 I was working for the George W. Bush campaign, and today in 2015, as a double Liberty University graduate, under Jerry Falwell—when I went to school, Jerry Falwell was the Chancellor—how is it that I could be now supporting Bernie Sanders, who’s a very progressive, very liberal guy; he describes himself as a ‘democratic socialist.’ How do I find common ground on those two things?

Well a lot of people I think falsely believe that in order to do that you have to give up one of your sides. Either you have to not really be a progressive, and you’re just an Evangelical who just likes Bernie, or you have to not really be an Evangelical, and just secretly be a Progressive who’s faking it and pretending to be an Evangelical, but wouldn’t actually pass the litmus test of being an Evangelical.

I pass both tests, I am very much 100% legitimate in both camps, and I want to explain why that’s not a mythological thing, that’s not a disconnect. Some people call that a contradiction, or hypocrisy, it is absolutely not. I believe that my views are 100% consistent. And so I think that the shock value for that comes in beginning to appreciate that the Bible and Jesus, in my opinion and in my very moderate reading of the Bible and the words of Christ, leads us to a Progressive worldview.

And that is shocking to a lot of people, especially folks back home in the Evangelical community, they hear that and go, “What are you talking about? That’s heresy—”… it’s like, hold on. Hear me out. There is a Biblical argument for voting for Bernie Sanders, believe it or not, and I’m gonna walk you through it really quick on some key issues.

So that first issue that I’d kind of point your attention to is kind of what Bernie brought up during his speech at Liberty. Basically, the wealth inequality problem—and see a lot of us, on the Evangelical side think that what Jesus really cares about is gay marriage and abortion. And of course, the great irony is if you read the red letters of Jesus, there are no statements on abortion. There are no statements on gay marriage. Now, that’s not to say the Bible doesn’t speak about these things, but it certainly is to say that Jesus, founder and master of our faith, did not see fit to make these high-priority topics. It’s not to say he doesn’t care. But it is to say that we need to be careful not to ‘major on minors.’ We should be focused on the things Jesus did talk about.

So what did Jesus talk about?

So here’s the interesting thing. When I was watching Bernie Sanders talk at Liberty University, I was just really shocked, and something kind of magical happened for me, because as I watched that guy stand up on that stage, here’s what I saw. I saw a wild-haired Jew crying out in a hoarse voice, in a very forceful and forth-speaking way, he was convicting the Christian leaders and religious leaders in that University and calling us out for being complicit in the abandonment of those who suffer:

“The least of these.”

And siding with the powerful and the rich and the masters of this world.

And he was convicting us, and calling us out. And we scorned him, and we stared him down, and with sour faces we thought, “Who is this whacko? And why do all these people seem to follow him, seem to like him? This wild-haired Jew, crying out from the wilderness of the political Left, in his hoarse voice?”

And if you’re an Evangelical listening to me today, you already know where I’m going with this. When I heard Bernie speaking in that way, when I saw that guy on stage at Liberty University, I saw John the Baptist.

I saw the wild-haired, roughly-clothed John the Baptist, eating honey and wearing camel’s hair, and crying out to the religious leaders, the Pharisees of his day, calling them corrupt and complicit with those who have all the power and all the money and all the wealth, and for abandoning the people that God loves, that God cares about. For the Pharisees, who were siding with those who already have power and wealthand saying that they will be the last in the Kingdom of God, and that the weak, and the meek, and the simple, and those who need help—they are first in the Kingdom of God.

And I saw that guy, that John the Baptist figure, who is standing up and saying

“There is coming a messenger, there is coming a messenger who will bring equity and justice to the poor, and to the weak, and who will stand for ’the least of these.’”

That’s the wild-haired Jew that I saw up on that stage. I saw, and felt, the same voice coming from the Bible when I read about John the Baptist, who cried out in the desert to the Pharisees, warning them that Jesus was coming, the messenger of God. And that he was coming to restore justice, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and to value ’the least of these’ when the Pharisees had failed.

And as I heard Bernie talking, and as I listened to his cries for justice, I remembered, suddenly, what Jesus had actually said in the Book of Luke, when he unravels the scroll in the synagogue, and he quotes the Book of Isaiah, which says that the Son of God was coming. And then he says, “This has been fulfilled in your presence here today.” He quotes the book of Isaiah which says that the Son of God is coming to bring justice, and Jesus says “it is now come to pass in your presence.” And he says, “I have come to bring Gospel to the poor.”

Gospel—is that word we Evangelical Christians have based everything on. Gospel means ‘good news.’ And Jesus said “I have come to bring good news to the poor.” To restore sight to the blind, to stand with the suffering, to set the captives free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.


As I heard Bernie Sanders crying out to the religious leaders at Liberty University, in his hoarse voice, with his wild hair, this Jew, and he proclaimed justice over us. He called us to account for being complicit with those who are wealthy and those who are powerful and for abandoning the poor, ‘the least of these’ who Jesus said he had come to bring good news to.

And in that moment, something occurred to me, as I saw Bernie Sanders up there, as I watched him I realized: Bernie Sanders, for President, is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders for President is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders is Gospel for the poor.

And Jesus said, “I have come to bring Gospel—good news—to the poor.”

And lightning hit my heart in that moment. And I realized that we are Evangelical Christians, that we believe the Bible. We believe in Jesus. We absolutely shun those who attempt to find nuance and twisted and tortured interpretation of scripture that they would use to master all other broader interpretations, to find some kind of big message that they want to flout. We absolutely scorn such things.

And yet somehow, we commit to the mental gymnastics necessary that allows us to abandon ‘the least of these,’ to abandon the poor, to abandon the immigrants, to abandon those who are in prison.

I listened to Bernie Sanders, as he said he wanted to welcome the immigrants and give them dignity. As he said he wanted to care for the sick children, and mothers, and fathers, who do not have health care. As he said he wanted to decrease the amount of human beings who are corralled like cattle in the prisons. As he said he wanted to do justice for those who have nothing and live homeless.

And I remembered the words of Jesus, who warned his disciples that there will be judgment, and on that day he will look to his friends, and he will say ‘Blessed are you, for you cared for me, for I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick, and you cared for me; I was hungry, and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was in prison, and you came to visit me; I was homeless, and you gave me shelter.” And the disciples said, “Jesus, when did we do any of those things for you?”

And he said, “If you have done it for ‘the least of these,’ you have done it for me.”

And those words echoed in my heart. As I listened to that crazy, hoarse-voiced, wild-haired Jew, standing in front of the religious leaders of the Evangelical movement, calling us to account, as a Jew once did before. Telling us that he intends to care for ‘the least of these.’ To clothe the naked, to shelter the homeless, to care for the sick, to set the prisoners free.

Yes. I am an Evangelical Christian. I believe in the Bible. I follow Jesus. When I look at Bernie Sanders, and I hear the things that he’s saying, it’s like he’s ripping them out of the pages of scripture. I would have to try to avoid the meaning of those words. I would have to bury my head in the sand to continue to support conservative policies. I am religiously conservative but I am not politically so. And I think here is the heart and soul of it:

When we chose to follow Jesus, we decided that the Kingdom of God, and the men and women and children of this world, were more important than us. And that accidentally made us all liberals. The day we decided to follow Christ, and the day we decided that we value other human beings more than ourselves, we accidentally became liberals.

And so there is no contradiction between being a Bible-believing Christian and a Bernie Sanders supporter.

I follow the teachings of Christ: to care for ‘the least of these.’

And I believe that just as John the Baptist once cried out in the desert for justice, and called the religious establishment to account, and hearkened unto the day that Jesus would walk among us, and declare equity and justice and good news for the poor; and just as that day came, that Jesus stood in front of the multitudes at the religious institution and said “I have come to bring gospel to the poor,” I believe that Bernie Sanders now stands in front of us, wild-haired and hoarse-voiced, and he now declares justice for the poor. He declares good news for ‘the least of these.’

He has come to bring gospel. And I wouldn’t be much of a Christian if I didn’t stand on the side of gospel for the poor. Because the last time I checked, that’s where my master Jesus stood, and I’ll stand with him. And for now, that means I stand with Bernie Sanders.

The Making of Something New….. as of the Witness of God…. Glenn David Emery and Christopher Witt Diamant….

The Settling of the Accounts

The Judgement as the Day of Reckoning

The Day of Reckoning is one where the accounts are settled, in other words where the punishments are awarded according to the Standard of Justice; where my Father on the Great White Throne sits in the position of God in His Righteousness, being Just because He is neutral in the Third Position as to the Impartial Principle of Judgment that operates in His own Mind.

My Father Jesus makes sure everyone gets a fair trial, and the 12 Apostles on the 12 thrones of the Emerald Table of Justice; the Jury of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb hear and then weigh the evidence; before they pass Judgment. Then I am given the Verdict, as the Sentence that I thus write down; also being completely neutral.

Let us take a quick look at the Rich Man, Lazarus: and the figure of Abraham.
Luke 16:19-31
There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.
At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores,
and longing to eat what fell from the Rich Man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The Rich Man also died and was buried.
In Hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.
( 4.
So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire’.
But Abraham replied, ‘Son remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.
And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone else cross over from there to us.’
He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house,
for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.
Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead’ (NIV)

The story of the Rich Man and Lazarus is one of the best known in the Bible because it is unique in several ways.

Firstly, it is unique because, although its style resembles a parable, and also it comes immediately after a series of four other parables (parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, prodigal son, dishonest manager), it certainly is not a usual parable. The parables of Jesus normally concern nature, everyday life, customs and society, not startling visions of the underworld, complete with fire and chasms.

Secondly, this parable, if we can properly call it a parable, is the only one in which real people – Abraham, Lazarus – are named.

Thirdly, it is unique because the teachings in this story clearly contradict the rest of the Bible’s teaching about what happens after death. For example no other support can be found anywhere in the Bible for the idea that ‘souls’ live on after death, or that the ‘souls’ of good and wicked go to different places. Or that Abraham is waiting to welcome the dead. This may surprise some readers, but popular ideas about souls going to heaven or hell, and so on, are not taught in the Bible. In fact they are repeatedly denied in both Old and New Testaments. Elsewhere in the Bible “the dead know nothing”. (More on this subject in a moment).

Finally, Jesus uses various phrases (such as “the Bosom of Abraham”) and images (such as the chasm separating the underworld in two) which are only found outside the Bible. In fact these terms are only found in 1st Century Jewish mythology.

Who was the Rich Man?

Reading through the story we can find the following clues to the identity of the Rich Man:

…..he was rich (vs.19)
……..dressed in purple and fine linen (vs.19)
…………lived in luxury every day (vs.19)
…………… his lifetime he received good things (vs.25)

( 5. Furthermore

…he had five brothers (vs.28)
……they lived in his father’s house (vs.27)
…………they had Moses and the Prophets (vs.25)
…….but they did not listen to them (vs.29)

Finally: they would not be convinced even if someone were to rise from the dead (vs.31)

In Exodus 28 we find the instructions given to Aaron for making the high priest’s garments; “blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen” (note Exodus 28:5-8,15,31,39).

The Pharisees could not fail to understand that the man dressed in purple and fine linen was the Jewish high priest.

The Name of the Rich Man

The high priest when Jesus spoke this parable was Caiaphas. We know from the Jewish historian Josephus, who wrote a detailed account of the period in Antiquities of the Jews, that Caiaphas met all 4 of the first qualifications of the Rich Man of Luke 16:

In Luke 3:2 and Acts 4:6 we meet the other high priest who served with Caiaphas, Annas, who was “father-in-law to Caiaphas” (John 18:13). Josephus also records that Caiaphas served as high priest 18-35 AD at the time of Jesus’ ministry.

Annas had been removed from his office by the Romans for openly resisting them, but behind the scenes he retained his authority and position. This is why in John 18:13-24 Jesus is first tried by Annas, and only afterwards sent to Caiaphas (v.28), but then Caiaphas, not Annas, sends Jesus to Pilate (v.29).

The Five Brothers

In case anyone listening did not understand who He meant, Christ was even more specific: The “five brothers” Christ mentions are the five other high priests, who were in fact his five brothers-in-law, the five sons of Annas.

The historian Josephus records:

“Now the report goes, that this elder Annas proved a most fortunate man; for he had five sons, who had all performed the office of a high priest to God, and he had himself enjoyed that dignity a long time formerly, which had never happened to any other of our high priests. . .” (Antiquities, Book XX, chapter 9, section i, p.423)
The years they served are as follows:
Eleazar 16-17AD
Jonathan 36-37AD
Theophilus 37-41AD
Matthias 41-43AD
Annas the Younger 62AD

( 6.
As mentioned above, the years 18-35AD between Eleazar and Jonathan were occupied by Caiaphas. Between 43-62AD the high priests were taken from other families than of Annas. Finally in 70AD the temple was destroyed and the high priesthood along with it.

This confirms the list of coincidences between the Rich Man and Caiaphas:
5. ….he had five brothers (v.28)
6. …..they lived in his father’s house (v.27)
7. …..they had Moses and the Prophets (v.25)
8. …..but they did not listen to them (v.29)

The final coincidence is confirmed when after the resurrection of Lazarus of Bethany, we read that “the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him” (John 12:10)

9. ……they would not be convinced even if someone were to rise from the dead (v.31)

                       At the Rich Man’s Gate

“At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores, and longing to eat from the Rich Man’s table.

Even the dogs came and licked his sores.” (vs. 20-21)

As we noted in considering the real Lazarus, when a Jew contracted a disease they became ‘unclean’. They were at most allowed only into the outer court of the temple.

This meant the unclean were no longer allowed to eat from the sacrifices offered in the inner court. In this way Lazarus of Bethany was barred from eating at the table of Caiaphas in Jerusalem.

There is similar language in Matthew 15 when the Canaanite woman (who was a ‘Gentile dog’ as far as the Pharisees were concerned) said to Jesus

“Even the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master’s table” (Matthew 15:27).

It may be that before he died Lazarus the Leper literally did beg outside the temple. But the meaning here is deeper than begging for food. Jesus is saying that the weak, the unclean, and the poor, were all denied spiritual food by the ruling caste of high priests.

The Bosom of Abraham

“The time came when the beggar died, and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side” (v.22 NIV).

( 7.
Now this is where the story starts to become difficult. Nowhere else in the Bible does it say that when men die they go to Abraham’s side. In older Bibles it reads “bosom of Abraham”, meaning the lap of Abraham.

Today there are a hundred and one different theories about death. Many people seriously believe when they die they will go up to the gates of Heaven, to be met by the Apostle Peter. Others believe other things. But the idea that the dead go to sit ‘in the lap’ of Abraham is something that nobody today believes.

But people did believe it in Jesus’ day.

Mentions of “the bosom of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” have been found in burial papyri (cf. papyrus Preisigke Sb 2034:11). In early Rabbinical legends “the Bosom of Abraham” was where the righteous went. (cf. Kiddushin 72b, Ekah 1:85). It is not in the Bible of course, but it was popularly believed.

While the NIV has “to Abraham’s side”, the literal AV rendering “to the bosom of Abraham” is better as the ‘Bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’, was a specific concept in contemporary popular belief.

Another source showing what Jews of Jesus’ day believed is a book called 4 Maccabees, which was probably written by Jews in Egypt about a generation after Christ. In this work of fiction Abraham, Isaac and Jacob receive and welcome Jewish martyrs into the world of the dead:

“After our death in this fashion Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will receive us and all our forefathers will praise us” (4 Maccabees 13:17).
Again, this is not Bible teaching, only popular superstition.

                        The Rich Man in Hell

The story becomes even more difficult when we read the next verse:

“The Rich Man also died and was buried. In Hell where he was in torment he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus in his bosom. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire’.” (vs. 23-24)

Even with the most fertile imagination it is difficult to believe that from Hell one can see people in Heaven and talk to them. But the story gets stranger still:

“But Abraham replied.

‘Son remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.

And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone else cross over from there to us”. (vs. 25-26)

Nothing else in the Bible prepares us for this description of Hell. Again the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus turns out to be unique. …..

Now let us look at what my Father Jesus said,

Luke 16:19-31 King James Version (KJV)
19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said,
“…Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame….”
25 But Abraham said,
“…Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence….”
27 Then he said,
“…I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house:
28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them,
29. lest they also come into this place of torment….”

29 Abraham saith unto him,
“…They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them….”

30 And he said,
“….Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent….”

31 And he said unto him,

“… If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead….”

Now the one risen from the dead prefigures my Father himself, who will soon die and rise; but with Lazarus we have a clear sign on how those in power will view the entire divine miracle: as being of the Devil.
In other words they will not be convinced though one “rose from the dead..”

So what does all this REALLY mean???

Lazarus, Mary and Martha actually are real historical people representing Jonathan, son of Saul, David’s best friend; Michal, the daughter of Saul, and David’s royal wife, and Michal’s sister. This was the reality, in one direct sense.

In truth, John the Baptist, had he said he was Elijah, would actually have been killed by Herod the Great, and then my Father Jesus was then going to raise him from the dead: for the REAL son of Perdition was Herod the Great who killed 22,000 children under 5 years of age after hearing from the Magi that the Messiah had been born.

Having raised John as Elijah would have united all of Israel on the spot: that was what was SUPPOSED to have happened.

How do I know this?? Because John the Baptist was named for Jonathan, and had he said and then been Elijah he and Jesus WOULD have been David and Jonathan back from the dead…. Best friends then for all Eternity.

But John the Baptist rejected my Father, and John the Beloved was Jonathan indeed, instead.

( 10.
But Lazarus and Mary of Bethany were in the position of Jonathan and Michal due to the fact that Mary of Bethany was the one my Father fell in love with, thus her brother Lazarus REPRESENTED Jonathan, and raising him was how my Father / David was to take Mary / Michal, back from the Serpent or Devil: for Mary of Bethany was a whore, a fallen woman who my Father restored and even saved her life,

                      “…for she loved much…” he said….

Everyone thinks it was Mary Magdalene Jesus loved, but my servant John told me she was an elderly spinster, who was a sexual hysteric, and who hated men and was a stone cold frigid virgin; and from whom he cast out 7 devil’s with his finger, which meant he opened her 7 senses by digital manipulation.

Herod the Great was the real Son of
Perdition: as of the Devil

But Herod had rebuilt the Temple, and fancied himself Solomon as Messiah having returned from the dead, as the Jews told Jesus when he asked them “..who the Messiah was..???” said this:

“…They answered him;
“…The SON OF DAVID..”. in other words: Solomon.

But my Father used the figure of the High Priest Caiaphas, and the rest, to characterize how they had rejected his incredible miracle, even planning to kill Lazarus, and also how this foreshadowed how they would reject him as well when he arose,…..

The Resurrection Unto Damnation | Measure 144 |/\| Missive 555 /\ ~*~ /\

The Blast of the 7th Trumpet

Trump supporters near the U.S Capitol on Jan. 06, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Shay Horse/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

……………………..Something Wicked This Way Comes…………………………

What alt-right guru Steve Bannon failed to create, German taxpayers have just stepped in to revive: a Nationalist International. Thanks to the German government, the far right is about to get its own well-heeled global think tank, complete with the sort of political academy that was so dear to Bannon’s plan for world domination.

Germany’s gift to the far right is the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation, the public policy arm of the country’s most prominent extremist party, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Erasmus, a Dutch humanist of the Renaissance best known for his ironic essay “In Praise of Folly,” would have been appalled at such a grotesque misappropriation of his name. The AfD, after all, has built its political base on a series of follies diametrically opposed to humanism, from its initial anti-immigration screeds to its current overtures to the anti-vaccination crowd.

Strangely enough, the AfD underperformed in the recent German elections, its parliamentary delegation losing 11 seats. Still, by capturing a little more than 10% of the vote, the party made it into parliament a second consecutive time. As a result, it qualifies for what all other major parties also receive: government support of its foundation. Unless legal efforts to block this largesse succeed, the Erasmus foundation will soon enjoy the equivalent of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars a year.

Consider that an extraordinary shot in the arm for the global far right, since the AfD will be funded to establish outposts of hate throughout the world. The foundation of the left-wing Die Linke party, the more appropriately labeled Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, already has offices in more than 20 countries. The Green Party’s foundation, named after Nobel Prize-winning German novelist Heinrich Böll, is in more than 30 countries. The far right hasn’t had this kind of opportunity for global expansion since fascism’s heyday in the 1930s.

RELATED: “AmericaFest”: Right-wing youth just held a wild carnival of fun-filled fascism

The notion that the AfD could engage in anything remotely resembling “political education” should be laughable. But that’s exactly how its foundation plans to use the coming federal windfall: to recruit and train a new generation of far-right thinkers and activists. The Erasmus Stiftung aims to hire more than 900 people for its political academy and allied educational institutions. That’s even more ambitious than the academy of intellectual “gladiators” Bannon once dreamed of creating in a former monastery in the Italian countryside.

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The us website says nothing about its global ambitions. Based on the AfD’s latest platform, however, expect the foundation to gather together Euroskeptics to plot the evisceration of the European Union; advance the AfD’s anti-immigrant platform with counterparts across Europe like Lega in Italy, Vlaams Belang in Belgium, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in France, and several extremist groups in the Balkans; and pour money into establishing a “respectable” face for white nationalism by networking among identitarian groups in North America, the former Soviet Union and Australasia.

This thunder on the right certainly sounds ominous. And yet, after the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 elections, the precipitous decline in public support for President Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, and the ongoing efforts to counter the far right in Eastern Europe, the prospect of a Nationalist International might seem further away today than, say, four years ago.

One well-funded German foundation is not likely to change that forecast. Unfortunately, the Erasmus Foundation is anything but the only storm cloud on the political horizon.


In reality, the global disillusionment with mainstream politics that fueled the rise of Trump and his ilk has only grown more intense in these last months. New authoritarian populists have consolidated power in places like El Salvador — where President Nayib Bukele calls himself the “world’s coolest dictator” — and are poised for possible takeovers in countries like Chile and Italy. And who knows? Even Donald Trump might claw his way back into the White House in 2024.

In other words, just when you thought it might finally be safe to go back into the international community, the global situation may grow far worse. With the help of German taxpayers and aided by anger over vaccine mandates, a malfunctioning world economy and the enduring corruption of the powerful, the global right could rebound, securing greater power and influence in the years to come.

The building wave of reaction

At this point, by all the laws of politics, Donald Trump should be radioactive. He lost his re-election bid in November 2020 and his subsequent coup attempt failed. He’s had a lousy record when it comes to expanding Republican Party power, having helped that very party forfeit its House majority in 2018 and its Senate majority in 2020. He continues to face multiple lawsuits and investigations. He’s been barred from Facebook and Twitter.


For Trump, however, politics is a philosopher’s stone. He’s managed to transmute his leaden style — not to mention his countless private failings and professional bankruptcies — into political gold. The big surprise is that so many people continue to fall for such fool’s gold.

Because of his fervent, ever-loyal base of support, Trump continues to control the Republican Party and remains on track to run for president in 2024, with no credible Republican competition in sight. Even his overall popularity, which never made it above 50% when he was president, has recently improved marginally from a February low of 38.8% to an almost sunny 43.4%.

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Led by this urban elitist from New York, the Republican Party has all but given up on cities and reliably blue regions of the country. Still, it now controls all the levers of power in 23 states, while the Democrats do so in only 15. With a mixture of gerrymandering, voter suppression, federal stonewalling and a master narrative about fraudulent elections, the Republicans aim to win back control of Congress in 2022 — something the odds increasingly favor — on their way to reclaiming the White House in 2024. At the moment, Donald Trump is the bookies’ choice to win the next presidential election, largely on the strength of not being Joe Biden (just as he won in 2016 by not being Hillary Clinton)

Since he can’t run for king of the world, Trump cares little about building international alliances, but the growing potential for him to return to power in 2024 has inspired right-leaning populists globally to believe that they, too, can lead their countries without the requisite skill, experience or psychological stability. Indeed, from President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines to President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, being vulgar and vicious has already served a variety of them all too well.

RELATED: Paul Gosar’s death-threat video is no joke — it’s part of the Republican terror strategy

Even more troubling is the new generation of Trump-style politicians coming to the fore globally. In Chile, for instance, the once-traditional conservative José Antonio Kast has remade himself as a far-right populist and in November won the first round of that country’s presidential elections. Across the Pacific in the Philippines, an all-too-literal political marriage of authoritarianism and populism is taking place as Bongbong Marcos, the son of the notorious former dictator Ferdinand Marcos, has selected Sara, the daughter of Rodrigo Duterte, to be his running mate in next year’s presidential election. Polling already puts them way ahead of the competition. In France, where Marine Le Pen has had a lock on the extremist vote for a decade, journalist Éric Zemmour is challenging her from the right with his predictions of a coming civil war and Muslim takeover.

Meanwhile, Trump’s minions in America are strengthening their international connections to create a global field of dreams. For many of them, Hungary remains the home plate of that very field of dreams. Right-wingers have been flocking to Budapest to learn how that country’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, transformed the most liberal corner of Eastern Europe into the region’s most reactionary country. (Admittedly, he now faces stiff competition from the Law and Justice Party in Poland and Janez Janša’s Slovenian Democratic Party, among other right-wing forces in Eastern Europe.)

Typically enough, former vice president Mike Pence visited Budapest in September to praise Orbán’s “family-centric” anti-abortion version of social policy. This summer, Tucker Carlson broadcast a full week of his Fox News program from that same city. In the process, he devoted an entire show to Orbán’s virulently anti-immigrant initiatives, headlining it: “Why can’t we have this in America?” In fact, this country’s most reactionary political types are so in love with Hungary that they’re scheduling the annual Conservative Policy Action Conference for Budapest next spring, which will only cement such a transatlantic link.

RELATED: What Tucker Carlson wants Fox News viewers to learn from Hungary’s Viktor Orbán

Remember, in 2002, Orbán was kicked out of the prime minister’s office after one term in office, only to return to power in 2010. He’s been ruling ever since. The Trumpistas dream of pulling off just such a political comeback in America.

Elsewhere in Europe, the Spanish far-right party Vox has established its own Disenso Foundation to knit together a reactionary “Iberosphere” that includes the Mexican rightextremists in Colombia, the Bolsonaro family in Brazil and even Texas senator Ted Cruz.  But the Western Europe state most likely to follow Hungary’s lead is Italy. Right now, Prime Minister Mario Draghi, the former head of the European Central Bank, presides over a technocratic administration in Rome. Italian politics, however, is heading straight for neofascism. The party that’s only recently surged to the top of the polls, Brothers of Italy, has its roots in a group started in the wake of World War II by diehard supporters of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. It promotes an anti-vax “Italy first” agenda and, if elections were held today, would likely create a ruling coalition with the alt-right Lega Party and right-wing populist Silvio Berlusconi’s Forward Italy

Meanwhile, several right-wing nationalists and populists are padding their CVs for a future role as the head of any new Nationalist International. Russian President Vladimir Putin may have the strongest claim to the title, given his longstanding support for right-wing and Euroskeptical parties, as well as the way he’s positioned Russia as the preeminent anti-liberal power around.

Don’t rule out Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, though. He’s mended fences with the far right in his own country, while trying to establish Turkey as a regional hegemon. Increasingly disillusioned with his NATO peers, he’s purchased weapons from Russia and even hinted at pushing Turkey into the nuclear club. And don’t forget Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi either. Working overtime to contain China, the Hindu nationalist has also been assiduously cultivating strong relations with the right wing in both the U.S. and Israel.

Creating an actual Axis of Illiberalism from such disparate countries would not be easy given geopolitical rivalries, ideological differences and personal ambitions. Still, the failures of current global institutions — and the liberal internationalism that animates them — provide a powerful glue with the potential to hold together genuinely disparate elements in an emerging right, adding up to a new version of global fascism.


When the future members of a Nationalist International argue that the status quo — a raging pandemic, runaway climate change, persistent economic inequality, staggering numbers of displaced people on the move — is broken and they have just the plan to fix it, plenty of non-extremists are likely to find the message all too compelling. Short on hope and desperate for change, the disaffected and disenfranchised have proven willing to offer the noisy nationalists and reactionary populists a shot at power (which, given their unscrupulous tactics, may be all they need).

Saving the world (from liberals)

One of the most persistent symbols of international politics has certainly been the wall. Think of the Great Wall of China, designed to protect successive dynasties from the predations of nomadic outsiders. Many metropolitan areas around the world have retained some portion of the historic walls that once established them as city-states. The Berlin Wall was the most visible symbol of the Cold War, while Trump’s border wall was the only infrastructure program of his presidency (even if it was never truly built).

The far right is now — thank you, Donald Trump! — obsessed with walls, drawing on not only history but a deep reservoir of fear of the outsider. Like “austerity” for neoliberals, “walls” have proven the far right’s one-size-fits-all answer to almost every question. Immigrants? Wall them out. Climate change? Build walls now to prevent future waves of desperate global-warming refugees. Economic decline? Hey, install those tariff walls. Angry neighbors? Walls of weaponry and anti-missile defenses are the obvious answer

The far right considers not rising sea levels but globalization — trade flows, the movement of people, expanding international governance — as the tide that needs containing. Far right populists are busy constructing dikes of all sorts to keep out such unwanted global flows and preserve national control in an increasingly chaotic world.

Moving down the great chain of governance, it’s no surprise that the far right also wants to culturally wall off communities to uphold what it calls “family values” against contrary civic values, different religious practices and alternate conceptions of sexuality and gender. It even wants to wall off individuals to “protect” them against intrusive government practices like vaccine mandates. To secure such walls, literal or metaphoric, what’s needed above all are a bloated military at the national level, paramilitaries at the community level and a semi-automatic in the hands of every red-blooded right-wing individual.

Such walls are a hedge against uncertainty, though ironically the far right’s truest contribution to modern political ideology is not certainty, but a radical skepticism. Sure, that ancient right-wing American crew, the John Birch Society, did traffic in conspiracy theories involving Communists and fluoridated water. But that was nothing compared to the way the modern political right has weaponized conspiracy theories to acquire permanent power. With claims of stolen elections, Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and others have even cast doubt on the very capacity of democracy to represent voters, emphasizing that only populist extremists can represent the “authentic” wishes of the electorate.

RELATED: William F. Buckley and the Birchers: A myth, a history lesson and a moral

On the other hand, elections that far-right candidates win, like the recent gubernatorial race in Virginia, are automatically defined as free and fair. Radical skepticism about the electoral system, after all, is only a convenient ladder that, once in power, the far right is all too ready to kick away.

The final conspiracy theory to fall will undoubtedly be the nefariousness of the “globalists” who have teamed up to contaminate the “precious bodily fluids” of pure Americans (or Brazilians or Hungarians). As long as liberal internationalists run global institutions like the World Bank and the World Health Organization, “globalists” will be useful bogeys for the nationalists to rally their followers. However, if the Trumps of this world capture enough countries and successfully infiltrate global institutions, then there will be no more talk of evil globalists.

In that worst-case scenario, even a Nationalist International will no longer be necessary as we discover in Hemingway fashion that, for Trump and his kind, the sun also rises. For all practical purposes, right-wing populists will have taken over the world. Given their blithe disregard for pandemics and climate change, such a victory would, of course, be pyrrhic.

William F. Buckley and the Birchers:

A myth, a history lesson and a moral

“William F. Buckley claimed he had banished far-right paranoia from the conservative movement — but look at it now”

Nebuchadnezzar Painting by William Blake

”The Hubris of Nebuchadnezzar”

The Death of American Conservatism

Barbara Comstock is a “respectable” and “traditional” Republican who served as a member of the House of Representatives from 2015 to 2019. In a recent column at The New York Times, she tries to grapple with the realities of Trumpism and American neofascism’s full control over today’s Republican Party. Her solution? 

To try to rally the “good” Republicans to resist Donald Trump’s influence and power by having a proper investigation into the events of Jan. 6.

InMy Fellow Republicans, Stop Fearing This Dangerous and Diminished Man,” Comstock writes the following about Donald Trump:

Republicans, instead of opposing a commission to investigate the events of Jan. 6, need to be at the forefront of seeking answers on the insurrection and diminishing the power of QAnon and the other conspiracy theories that Mr. Trump has fueled. While he is still popular within the party, Mr. Trump is a diminished political figure: 66 percent of Americans now hope he won’t run again in 2024, including 30 percent of Republicans.

He is not the future, and Republicans need to stop fearing him. He will continue to damage the party if we don’t face the Jan. 6 facts head-on. Nothing less than a full investigation is essential….

Many Republicans rationalize ignoring his rhetoric: His speech on Saturday wasn’t even aired live on Fox or CNN, and he may end up being indicted in New York and occupied with legal and financial problems. So, this thinking goes, what’s the harm in humoring the guy a little longer?

The harm is that the lies have metastasized and could threaten public safety again. The U.S. Capitol Police report that threats against members of Congress have increased 107 percent this year. Representative Adam Kinzinger, a Republican, has noted, “There’s no reason to believe that anybody organically is going to come to the truth.” Representative Liz Cheney, another Republican, said, “It’s an ongoing threat, so silence is not an option.”

Comstock continues that her fellow Republicans “would be better advised to fight like Senator Margaret Chase Smith.

During the Joseph McCarthy era in 1950, she advised fellow Republicans that the Democrats had already provided Republicans with sufficient campaign issues, and they need not resort to McCarthy’s demagogy.” She concludes: 

The same is true today. Republicans need to have more faith in their policies and stop being afraid of a dangerous and diminished man who has divided the country and now divides our party. Reconsider the commission, let the investigation go ahead, and run and win in 2022 on the truth.

“Her Republican Party (or at least the one she imagined) no longer exists.” 

The End of the GOP is Seen in the Man of Lawlessness

as the Messiah of the Conservative Movement

…….The Beast of Putin and his Shadow Image: Donald Trump…………………………………………

Today’s Republican Party is an anti-democracy,

theocratic, neofascist, white supremacist, anti-reason,

 terrorist organization.

“Comstock’s pleas for sanity are the equivalent of putting a rescue note inside of a bottle and then throwing it into the ocean over the Mariana Trench.

No help will be arriving.”

The story goes like this: in 1962, the leading conservative intellectual William F. Buckley Jr. used his magazine National Review to condemn the far-right John Birch Society.

The denunciation isolated the Birchers and their wild conspiracy theories within America’s conservative movement and led to their downfall. 

The story is a myth, reliant on half-truths and omissions to make it convincing. Yet in articles and books, Buckley repeated it again and again.

As the Republican Party grapples with QAnon believers and Trump loyalists, the myth that Buckley saved conservatism from extremists has been repeatedly cited as fact to explain how the party of Lincoln can save itself.

“The truth is far more interesting. It shows that extremism in America’s conservative movement has ebbed and flowed since the 1950s, yet never disappeared.”

QAnon Shaman | William F Buckley (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

Buckley claimed to have vanquished the Birchers, acting as the gatekeeper of American conservatism. Yet when Barry Goldwater became the first conservative presidential nominee of a major political party in 1964, it was the Birchers, not Buckley, who played the key role.

The Birchers had a profound impact on American conservatism, a fact Buckley wished to expunge. He wanted to make conservatism respectable.

To acknowledge the influence of the Birchers would be an admission of failure. 

It’s true enough that Buckley and the Birchers represented opposite wings of American conservatism. Buckley was the erudite face of conservative intellectualism, a self-describedintellectual revolutionary against the liberal order. In 1955, he founded National Review, which became the publication for highbrow conservative opinion and carried conservatism into America’s mainstream intellectual discourse. 

The John Birch Society, on the other hand, preached a unique brand of paranoid reactionary conservatism.

The brainchild of retired candy manufacturer Robert Welch Jr., the society was founded in 1958 to root out communist subversives in government and American society.

Although membership was secret, it is estimated that within a few years Welch had 20,000 to 100,000 followers.

(The actual John Birch, by the way, had nothing to do with it: He was a U.S. military intelligence officer killed by communist insurgents in China in 1945, and later embraced as a martyr by the American far right.)

Inherent in the society’s mission to challenge subversion was Welch’s conspiracy theory-laced worldview. In 1958, Welch mailed Buckley a 300-page summary of his theories entitled “The Politician.”

The manuscript contained the lurid claim that the sitting president, Dwight Eisenhower, was a communist and that past presidents, the CIA and civil rights activists were all secretly controlled by a global communist conspiracy.”

Insane as the document was, Buckley did not denounce Welch,

nor was he openly hostile to the John Birch Society.

He instead tried to maintain cordial relations, even forewarning Welch when National Review published an essay criticizing the Bircher magazine American Opinion. “A little friendly controversy among ourselves now and then is not too bad an idea,” wrote Buckley. Welch agreed.

The society’s growing prominence alarmed Buckley, however. Such an avowedly conspiratorial group could very well hamstring American conservatism just at the moment he perceived it gaining momentum. With the Birchers in the public eye, Buckley believed he needed to make a statement. Yet he feared tearing American conservatism apart. Therefore, he directed all condemnation at Welch so as not to offend the society as a whole. 

Buckley wrote two editorials, in April 1961 and February 1962, criticizing Welch. The first gently critiqued Welch’s practice of citing communist subversion when there was none and concluded by sayingI hope the Society thrives despite its bungling leader.

The February 1962 editorial, entitled “The Question of Robert Welch,” was more biting. Buckley wrote that Welch’s conspiracy theories made him a man “far removed from common sense.” In an effort to not offend the Birchers as a whole, however, Buckley inaccurately portrayed Welch as an aberration from the society he led.

“Buckley even tried to maintain his friendship with Welch. Shortly after the 1962 editorial, he wrote Welch, “I am very anxious to keep current on your thinking and the society’s activities, and would be grateful if you would look into this. If our subscription has expired, I should be only too happy to look to renew it.” 

This was the totality of Buckley’s supposed purge.

In later years, Buckley recast these two editorials as lethal salvos that drove the John Birch Society from the conservative movement. It was a narrative suited to Buckley’s view of himself as the patrician leader of conservatism. Yet it was a fallacious portrait. In the 1960s, American conservatism was a hodgepodge of groups held together by shared principles. National Review was one part of a large movement. Buckley was in no position to isolate those he disliked. There was no mass exodus from the John Birch Society. Buckley’s editorials were a disassociation, not a purge.

“Aside from self-aggrandizement, there was another reason for Buckley’s desire to rewrite history. In 1964, Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona captured the Republican presidential nomination. With conservatism now on the presidential stage, it was the Birchers, not Buckley, who became the dominant force in the movement.”

Despite Buckley’s friendship with Goldwater, he was sidelined early in Goldwater’s campaign. In a supreme irony, this effort was framed as necessary to distancing Goldwater from people who could be considered extreme. Two of Goldwater’s aides invited Buckley to dinner and then told the New York Times about the evening, disavowing Buckley in the process. Buckley thus spent the remainder of the campaign on the periphery.

The Birch Society, on the other hand, was heavily involved in Goldwater’s campaign. Since Bircher membership was secret and Goldwater had previously disavowed Welch, the Goldwater campaign had plausible deniability about Bircher support. This provided a passionate volunteer base for a contentious Republican primary. At the Republican convention, party moderates denounced Goldwater’s extremist supporters, namely the Birchers. Far from joining in the condemnation, Goldwater validated Bircher support. In his nomination acceptance speech, Goldwater famously declaredthat extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”

His supporters practically blew the roof off the convention hall with their ecstatic cheering.

In the general election campaign, Birchers spread their beliefs on an unprecedented scale by distributing a slew of paperback books — costing a dollar or less, with a form on the last page for bulk orders — which argued for Goldwater while parroting their conspiratorial worldview.

Their three top selling books (Phyllis Schlafly’s “A Choice Not An Echo,” John Stormer’sNone Dare Call It Treason” and J. Evetts Haley’sA Texan Looks at Lyndon“) preached the Bircher message of unwavering reactionary conservatism, repeating Welch’s conspiracy theories while claiming that Democrats were communist sympathizers and Goldwater’s opponents were un-American. By October 1964, their combined sales reached 18 million copies.

This, calculated the historian Rick Perlstein, meant the books had sold enough copies to be in the homes of one in 10 Americans. National Review’s circulation, by comparison, was infinitesimal.

“The Birchers had carried their rhetoric into the mainstream. Goldwater did not disavow the Birchers or their books. His resounding defeat in 1964 — by most measures the greatest electoral landslide in American history — was largely attributable to the widely held belief that he and his supporters were extremists.” 

“Buckley and Goldwater condemned

the Birchers as a whole after Goldwater’s defeat.”

Yet the Birchers had already made their mark on the movement. Shortly thereafter, Buckley began to claim that he had purged the Birchers in the early 1960s. When, in 1966, the chairman of the Anti-Defamation League claimed that the Birch Society had played a key role in Goldwater’s 1964 campaign, Buckley bristled. He would not admit there were extremists in American conservatism. 

The clash between Buckley’s pretensions and reality was laid bare in his 1968 debate with the segregationist governor George Wallace, who was running as a third-party presidential candidate. Buckley tried to act as gatekeeper, saying Wallace was not supported by any prominent conservatives.

Wallace was dismissive, saying,Let’em be against me. What difference does it make?” Buckley failed again to curtail conservative extremists. Wallace, heavily supported by the Birchers, received nearly 10 million votes and carried five states in the Deep South. (No third-party candidate since then has even won one.) 

“Reactionary extremists are a part of the conservative movement. Although membership in the Birch Society began to wane in the 1970s, that had nothing to do with Buckley.

On the contrary, the Birchers’ rhetoric and tactics were now central to the Republican Party. Other conservatives — Pat Buchanan, Lee Atwater and Rush Limbaugh, among many others — carried on and perfected the Bircher tradition of reactionary conspiracy theories.”

Until Donald Trump, Republican leaders from George H.W. Bush to Mitch McConnell believed they could control the reactionaries. They failed in 2016 and they continue to fail today. Extremists have outlasted and undone all efforts to break their grip in the Republican Party. 

“Buckley never purged the extremist far right from American conservatism, largely because he could not possibly have done so. Reactionary paranoia is an organic component of the American right.

Such facts, however, run contrary to the way many “mainstream” conservatives view themselves. It behooves them to present the movement as capable of expelling its extremists.”

It is comforting to present Buckley as a sort of Edmund Burke reborn, the intellectual gatekeeper of conservative decency standing against the barbarous mob. Yet it is a fantasy. Until conservatives accept this, they will continue to underestimate the extremists. And as we see clearly today, it is the extremists who control the party, not the refined intellectuals who convince themselves otherwise.


The End of American Conservatism

Former White House senior counselor to President Donald Trump, Steve Bannon (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

One of the loudest voices urging Donald Trump’s supporters to push for overturning the presidential election results was Steve Bannon.

“We’re on the point of attack,” Bannon, a former Trump adviser and far-right nationalist, pledged on his popular podcast on Jan. 5. “All hell will break loose tomorrow.”

The next morning, as thousands massed on the National Mall for a rally that turned into an attack on the Capitol, Bannon fired up his listeners: “It’s them against us. Who can impose their will on the other side?”

When the insurrection failed, Bannon continued his campaign for his former boss by other means. On his “War Room” podcast, which has tens of millions of downloads, Bannon said President Trump lost because the Republican Party sold him out. “This is your call to action,” Bannon said in February, a few weeks after Trump had pardoned him of federal fraud charges.

The solution, Bannon announced, was to seize control of the GOP from the bottom up. Listeners should flood into the lowest rung of the party structure: the precincts. “It’s going to be a fight, but this is a fight that must be won, we don’t have an option,” Bannon said on his show in May. “We’re going to take this back village by village … precinct by precinct.”

Precinct officers are the worker bees of political parties, typically responsible for routine tasks like making phone calls or knocking on doors. But collectively, they can influence how elections are run. In some states, they have a say in choosing poll workers, and in others they help pick members of boards that oversee elections.After Bannon’s endorsement, the “precinct strategy” rocketed across far-right media. Viral posts promoting the plan racked up millions of views on pro-Trump websites, talk radio, fringe social networks and message boards, and programs aligned with the QAnon conspiracy theory.Suddenly, people who had never before showed interest in party politics started calling the local GOP headquarters or crowding into county conventions, eager to enlist as precinct officers. They showed up in states Trump won and in states he lost, in deep-red rural areas, in swing-voting suburbs and in populous cities.

In Wisconsin, for instance, new GOP recruits are becoming poll workers. County clerks who run elections in the state are required to hire parties’ nominees. The parties once passed on suggesting names, but now hardline Republican county chairs are moving to use those powers.

01:54 / 02:48

“We’re signing up election inspectors like crazy right now,” said Outagamie County party chair Matt Albert, using the state’s formal term for poll workers. Albert, who held a “Stop the Steal” rally during Wisconsin’s November recount, said Bannon’s podcast had played a role in the burst of enthusiasm.

ProPublica contacted GOP leaders in 65 key counties, and 41 reported an unusual increase in signups since Bannon’s campaign began. At least 8,500 new Republican precinct officers (or equivalent lowest-level officials) joined those county parties. We also looked at equivalent Democratic posts and found no similar surge.

“I’ve never seen anything like this, people are coming out of the woodwork,” said J.C. Martin, the GOP chairman in Polk County, Florida, who has added 50 new committee members since January. Martin had wanted congressional Republicans to overturn the election on Jan. 6, and he welcomed this wave of like-minded newcomers. “The most recent time we saw this type of thing was the tea party, and this is way beyond it.”

Bannon, through a spokesperson, declined to comment.

While party officials largely credited Bannon’s podcast with driving the surge of new precinct officers, it’s impossible to know the motivations of each new recruit. Precinct officers are not centrally tracked anywhere, and it was not possible to examine all 3,000 counties nationwide. ProPublica focused on politically competitive places that were discussed as targets in far-right media.

The tea party backlash to former President Barack Obama’s election foreshadowed Republican gains in the 2010 midterm. Presidential losses often energize party activists, and it would not be the first time that a candidate’s faction tried to consolidate control over the party apparatus with the aim of winning the next election.

What’s different this time is an uncompromising focus on elections themselves. The new movement is built entirely around Trump’s insistence that the electoral system failed in 2020 and that Republicans can’t let it happen again. The result is a nationwide groundswell of party activists whose central goal is not merely to win elections but to reshape their machinery.

“They feel President Trump was rightfully elected president and it was taken from him,” said Michael Barnett, the GOP chairman in Palm Beach County, Florida, who has enthusiastically added 90 executive committee members this year. “They feel their involvement in upcoming elections will prevent something like that from happening again.”

It has only been a few months — too soon to say whether the wave of newcomers will ultimately succeed in reshaping the GOP or how they will affect Republican prospects in upcoming elections. But what’s already clear is that these up-and-coming party officers have notched early wins.

In Michigan, one of the main organizers recruiting new precinct officers pushed for the ouster of the state party’s executive director, who contradicted Trump’s claim that the election was stolen and who later resigned. In Las Vegas, a handful of Proud Boys, part of the extremist group whose members have been charged in attacking the Capitol, supported a bid to topple moderates controlling the county party — a dispute that’s now in court.

In Phoenix, new precinct officers petitioned to unseat county officials who refused to cooperate with the state Senate Republicans’ “forensic audit” of 2020 ballots. Similar audits are now being pursued by new precinct officers in Michigan and the Carolinas. Outside Atlanta, new local party leaders helped elect a state lawmaker who championed Georgia’s sweeping new voting restrictions.

And precinct organizers are hoping to advance candidates such as Matthew DePerno, a Michigan attorney general hopeful who Republican state senators said in a report had spread “misleading and irresponsible” misinformation about the election, and Mark Finchem, a member of the Oath Keepers militia who marched to the Capitol on Jan. 6 and is now running to be Arizona’s top elections official. DePerno did not respond to requests for comment, and Finchem asked for questions to be sent by email and then did not respond. Finchem has said he did not enter the Capitol or have anything to do with the violence.

“He has also said the Oath Keepers are not anti-government.”

When Bannon interviewed Finchem on an April podcast, he wrapped up a segment about Arizona Republicans’ efforts to reexamine the 2020 results by asking Finchem how listeners could help. Finchem answered by promoting the precinct strategy. “The only way you’re going to see to it this doesn’t happen again is if you get involved,” Finchem said. “Become a precinct committeeman.”

Some of the new precinct officers were in the crowd that marched to the Capitol on Jan. 6, according to interviews and social media posts; one Texas precinct chair was arrested for assaulting police in Washington. He pleaded not guilty. Many of the new activists have said publicly that they support QAnon, the online conspiracy theory that believes Trump was working to root out a global child sex trafficking ring. Organizers of the movement have encouraged supporters to bring weapons to demonstrations. In Las Vegas and Savannah, Georgia, newcomers were so disruptive that they shut down leadership elections.

“They’re not going to be welcomed with open arms,” Bannon said, addressing the altercations on an April podcast. “But hey, was it nasty at Lexington?” he said, citing the opening battle of the American Revolution. “Was it nasty at Concord? Was it nasty at Bunker Hill?”

The Resurrected Hitler


Bannon plucked the precinct strategy out of obscurity. For more than a decade, a little-known Arizona tea party activist named Daniel J. Schultz has been preaching the plan. Schultz failed to gain traction, despite winning a $5,000 prize from conservative direct-mail pioneer Richard Viguerie in 2013 and making a 2015 pitch on Bannon’s far-right website, Breitbart. Schultz did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

In December, Schultz appeared on Bannon’s podcast to argue that Republican-controlled state legislatures should nullify the election results and throw their state’s Electoral College votes to Trump. If lawmakers failed to do that, Bannon asked, would it be the end of the Republican Party? Not if Trump supporters took over the party by seizing precinct posts, Schultz answered, beginning to explain his plan. Bannon cut him off, offering to return to the idea another time.

That time came in February. Schultz returned to Bannon’s podcast, immediately preceding Mike Lindell, the MyPillow CEO who spouts baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

“We can take over the party if we invade it,” Schultz said. “I can’t guarantee you that we’ll save the republic, but I can guarantee you this: We’ll lose it if we conservatives don’t take over the Republican Party.”

Bannon endorsed Schultz’s plan, telling “all the unwashed masses in the MAGA movement, the deplorables” to take up this cause. Bannon said he had more than 400,000 listeners, a count that could not be independently verified.

Bannon brought Schultz back on the show at least eight more times, alongside guests such as embattled Florida congressman Matt Gaetz, a leading defender of people jailed on Capitol riot charges.

The exposure launched Schultz into a full-blown far-right media tour. In February, Schultz spoke on a podcast with Tracy “Beanz” Diaz, a leading popularizer of QAnon. In an episode titled “THIS Is How We Win,” Diaz said of Schultz, “I was waiting, I was wishing and hoping for the universe to deliver someone like him.”

Schultz himself calls QAnon “a joke.” Nevertheless, he promoted his precinct strategy on at least three more QAnon programs in recent months, according to Media Matters, a Democratic-aligned group tracking right-wing content. “I want to see many of you going and doing this,” host Zak Paine said on one of the shows in May.

Schultz’s strategy also got a boost from another prominent QAnon promoter: former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who urged Trump to impose martial law and “rerun” the election. On a May online talk show, Flynn told listeners to fill “thousands of positions that are vacant at the local level.”

Precinct recruitment is now “the forefront of our mission” for Turning Point Action, according to the right-wing organization’s website. The group’s parent organization bussed Trump supporters to Washington for Jan. 6, including at least one person who was later charged with assaulting police. He pleaded not guilty. In July, Turning Point brought Trump to speak in Phoenix, where he called the 2020 election “the greatest crime in history.” Outside, red-capped volunteers signed people up to become precinct chairs.

Organizers from around the country started huddling with Schultz for weekly Zoom meetings. The meetings’ host, far-right blogger Jim Condit Jr. of Cincinnati, kicked off a July call by describing the precinct strategy as the last alternative to violence. “It’s the only idea,” Condit said, “unless you want to pick up guns like the Founding Fathers did in 1776 and start to try to take back our country by the Second Amendment, which none of us want to do.”

By the next week, though, Schultz suggested the new precinct officials might not stay peaceful. Schultz belonged to a mailing list for a group of military, law enforcement and intelligence veterans called the “1st Amendment Praetorian” that organizes security for Flynn and other pro-Trump figures. Back in the 1990s, Schultz wrote an article defending armed anti-government militias like those involved in that decade’s deadly clashes with federal agents in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and Waco, Texas.

“Make sure everybody’s got a baseball bat,” Schultz said on the July strategy conference call, which was posted on YouTube. “I’m serious about this. Make sure you’ve got people who are armed.”

The sudden demand for low-profile precinct positions baffled some party leaders. In Fort Worth, county chair Rick Barnes said numerous callers asked about becoming a “precinct committeeman,” quoting the term used on Bannon’s podcast. That suggested that out-of-state encouragement played a role in prompting the calls, since Texas’s term for the position is “precinct chair.” Tarrant County has added 61 precinct chairs this year, about a 24% increase since February. “Those podcasts actually paid off,” Barnes said.

For weeks, about five people a day called to become precinct chairs in Outagamie County, Wisconsin, southwest of Green Bay. Albert, the county party chair, said he would explain that Wisconsin has no precinct chairs, but newcomers could join the county party — and then become poll workers. “We’re trying to make sure that our voice is now being reinserted into the process,” Albert said.

Similarly, the GOP in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, is fielding a surge of volunteers for precinct committee members, but also for election judges or inspectors, which are party-affiliated elected positions in that state. “Who knows what happened on Election Day for real,” county chair Lou Capozzi said in an interview. The county GOP sent two busloads of people to Washington for Jan. 6 and Capozzi said they stayed peaceful. “People want to make sure elections remain honest.”

Elsewhere, activists inspired by the precinct strategy have targeted local election boards. In DeKalb County, east of Atlanta, the GOP censured a long-serving Republican board member who rejected claims of widespread fraud in 2020. To replace him, new party chair Marci McCarthy tapped a far-right activist known for false, offensive statements. The party nominees to the election board have to be approved by a judge, and the judge in this case rejected McCarthy’s pick, citing an “extraordinary” public outcry. McCarthy defended her choice but ultimately settled for someone less controversial.

In Raleigh, North Carolina, more than 1,000 people attended the county GOP convention in March, up from the typical 300 to 400. The chair they elected, Alan Swain, swiftly formed an “election integrity committee” that’s lobbying lawmakers to restrict voting and audit the 2020 results. “We’re all about voter and election integrity,” Swain said in an interview.

In the rural western part of the state, too, a wave of people who heard Bannon’s podcast or were furious about perceived election fraud swept into county parties, according to the new district chair, Michele Woodhouse. The district’s member of Congress, Rep. Madison Cawthorn, addressed a crowd at one county headquarters on Aug. 29, at an event that included a raffle for a shotgun.

“If our election systems continue to be rigged and continue to be stolen, it’s going to lead to one place, and it’s bloodshed,” Cawthorn said, in remarks livestreamed on Facebook, shortly after holding the prize shotgun, which he autographed. “That’s right,” the audience cheered. Cawthorn went on, “As much as I’m willing to defend our liberty at all costs, there’s nothing that I would dread doing more than having to pick up arms against a fellow American, and the way we can have recourse against that is if we all passionately demand that we have election security in all 50 states.

After Cawthorn referred to people arrested on Jan. 6 charges as “political hostages,” someone asked, “When are you going to call us to Washington again?” The crowd laughed and clapped as Cawthorn answered, “We are actively working on that one.”

“Schultz has offered his own state of Arizona as a proof of concept for how precinct officers can reshape the party. The result, Schultz has said, is actions like the state Senate Republicans’ “forensic audit” of Maricopa County’s 2020 ballots. The “audit,” conducted by a private firm with no experience in elections and whose CEO has spread conspiracy theories, has included efforts to identify fraudulent ballots from Asia by searching for traces of bamboo. Schultz has urged activists demanding similar audits in other states to start by becoming precinct officers.”

“Because we’ve got the audit, there’s very heightened and intense public interest in the last campaign, and of course making sure election laws are tightened,” said Sandra Dowling, a district chair in northwest Maricopa and northern Yuma County whose precinct roster grew by 63% in less than six months. Though Dowling says some other district chairs screen their applicants, she doesn’t. “I don’t care,” she said.

One chair who does screen applicants is Kathy Petsas, a lifelong Republican whose district spans Phoenix and Paradise Valley. She also saw applications explode earlier this year. Many told her that Schultz had recruited them, and some said they believed in QAnon. “Being motivated by conspiracy theories is no way to go through life, and no way for us to build a high-functioning party,” Petsas said. “That attitude can’t prevail.”

As waves of new precinct officers flooded into the county party, Petsas was dismayed to see some petitioning to recall their own Republican county supervisors for refusing to cooperate with the Senate GOP’s audit.

“It is not helpful to our democracy when you have people who stand up and do the right thing and are honest communicators about what’s going on, and they get lambasted by our own party,” Petsas said. “That’s a problem.”

This spring, a team of disaffected Republican operatives put Schultz’s precinct strategy into action in South Carolina, a state that plays an outsize role in choosing presidents because of its early primaries. The operatives’ goal was to secure enough delegates to the party’s state convention to elect a new chair: far-right celebrity lawyer Lin Wood.

Wood was involved with some of the lawsuits to overturn the presidential election that courts repeatedly ruled meritless, or even sanctionable. After the election, Wood said on Bannon’s podcast, “I think the audience has to do what the people that were our Founding Fathers did in 1776.” On Twitter, Wood called for executing Vice President Mike Pence by firing squad. Wood later said it was “rhetorical hyperbole,” but that and other incendiary language got him banned from mainstream social media. He switched to Telegram, an encrypted messaging app favored by deplatformed right-wing influencers, amassing roughly 830,000 followers while repeatedly promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Asked for comment about his political efforts, Wood responded, “Most of your ‘facts’ are either false or misrepresent the truth.” He declined to cite specifics.

Typically, precinct meetings were “a yawner,” according to Mike Connett, a longtime party member in Horry County, best known for its popular beach towns. But in April, Connett and other establishment Republicans were caught off guard when 369 people, many of them newcomers, showed up for the county convention in North Myrtle Beach. Connett lost a race for a leadership role to Diaz, the prominent QAnon supporter, and Wood’s faction captured the county’s other executive positions plus 35 of 48 delegate slots, enabling them to cast most of the county’s votes for Wood at the state convention. “It seemed like a pretty clean takeover,” Connett told ProPublica.

In Greenville, the state’s most populous county, Wood campaign organizers Jeff Davis and Pressley Stutts mobilized a surge of supporters at the county convention — about 1,400 delegates, up from roughly 550 in 2019 — and swept almost all of the 79 delegate positions. That gave Wood’s faction the vast majority of the votes in two of South Carolina’s biggest delegations.

Across the state, the precinct strategy was contributing to an unprecedented surge in local party participation, according to data provided by a state GOP spokeswoman. In 2019, 4,296 people participated. This year, 8,524 did.

“It’s a prairie fire down there in Greenville, South Carolina, brought on by the MAGA posse,” Bannon said on his podcast.

Establishment party leaders realized they had to take Wood’s challenge seriously. The incumbent chair, Drew McKissick, had Trump’s endorsement three times over — including twice after Wood entered the race. But Wood fought back by repeatedly implying that McKissick and other prominent state Republicans were corrupt and involved in various conspiracies that seemed related to QAnon. The race became heated enough that after one event, Wood and McKissick exchanged angry words face-to-face.

Wood’s rallies were raucous affairs packed with hundreds of people, energized by right-wing celebrities like Flynn and Lindell. In interviews, many attendees described the events as their first foray into politics, sometimes referencing Schultz and always citing Trump’s stolen election myth. Some said they’d resort to violence if they felt an election was stolen again.

Wood’s campaign wobbled in counties that the precinct strategy had not yet reached. At the state convention in May, Wood won about 30% of the delegates, commanding Horry, Greenville and some surrounding counties, but faltering elsewhere. A triumphant McKissick called Wood’s supporters “a fringe, rogue group” and vowed to turn them into a “leper colony” by building parallel Republican organizations in their territory.

But Wood and his partisans did not act defeated. The chairmanship election, they argued, was as rigged as the 2020 presidential race. Wood threw a lavish party at his roughly 2,000-acre low-country estate, secured by armed guards and surveillance cameras. From a stage fit for a rock concert on the lawn of one of his three mansions, Wood promised the fight would continue

Diaz and her allies in Horry County voted to censure McKissick. The county’s longtime Republicans tried, but failed, to oust Diaz and her cohort after one of the people involved in drafting Wood tackled a protester at a Flynn speech in Greenville. (This incident, the details of which are disputed, prompted Schultz to encourage precinct strategy activists to arm themselves.) Wood continued promoting the precinct strategy to his Telegram followers, and scores replied that they were signing up.

In late July, Stutts and Davis forced out Greenville County GOP’s few remaining establishment leaders, claiming that they had cheated in the first election. Then Stutts, Davis and an ally won a new election to fill those vacant seats. “They sound like Democrats, right?” Bannon asked Stutts in a podcast interview. Stutts replied, “They taught the Democrats how to cheat, Steve.”

Stutts’ group quickly pushed for an investigation of the 2020 presidential election, planning a rally featuring Davis and Wood at the end of August, and began campaigning against vaccine and school mask mandates. “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery,” Stutts had previously posted on Facebook, quoting Thomas Jefferson. Stutts continued posting messages skeptical of vaccine and mask mandates even after he entered the hospital with a severe case of COVID-19. He died on Aug. 19.

The hubbub got so loud inside the Cobb County, Georgia, Republican headquarters that it took several shouts and whistles to get everyone’s attention. It was a full house for Salleigh Grubbs’ first meeting as the county’s party chair. Grubbs ran on a vow to “clean house” in the election system, highlighting her December testimony to state lawmakers in which she raised unsubstantiated fraud allegations. Supporters praised Grubbs’ courage for following a truck she suspected of being used in a plot to shred evidence. She attended Trump’s Jan. 6 rally as a VIP. She won the chairmanship decisively at an April county convention packed with an estimated 50% first-time participants.

In May, Grubbs opened her first meeting by asking everyone munching on bacon and eggs to listen to her recite the Gettysburg Address. “Think of the battle for freedom that Americans have before them today,” Grubbs said. “Those people fought and died so that you could be the precinct chair.” After the reading, first-time precinct officers stood for applause and cheers.

Their work would start right away: putting up signs, making calls and knocking on doors for a special election for the state House. The district had long leaned Republican, but after the GOP’s devastating losses up and down the ballot in 2020, they didn’t know what to expect.

“There’s so many people out there that are scared, they feel like their vote doesn’t count,” Cooper Guyon, a 17-year-old right-wing podcaster from the Atlanta area who speaks to county parties around the state, told the Cobb Republicans in July. The activists, he said, need to “get out in these communities and tell them that we are fighting to make your vote count by passing the Senate bill, the election-reform bills that are saving our elections in Georgia.”

Of the field’s two Republicans, Devan Seabaugh took the strongest stance in favor of Georgia’s new law restricting ways to vote and giving the Republican-controlled Legislature more power over running elections. “The only people who may be inconvenienced by Senate Bill 202 are those intent on committing fraud,” he wrote in response to a local newspaper’s candidate questionnaire.

Seabaugh led the June special election and won a July runoff. Grubbs cheered the win as a turning point. “We are awake. We are preparing,” she wrote on Facebook. “The conservative citizens of Cobb County are ready to defend our ballots and our county.”

Newcomers did not meet such quick success everywhere. In Savannah, a faction crashed the Chatham County convention with their own microphone, inspired by Bannon’s podcast to try to depose the incumbent party leaders who they accused of betraying Trump. Party officers blocked the newcomers’ candidacies, saying they weren’t officially nominated. Shouting erupted, and the meeting adjourned without a vote. Then the party canceled its districtwide convention.

The state party ultimately sided with the incumbent leaders. District chair Carl Smith said the uprising is bound to fail because the insurgents are mistaken in believing that he and other local leaders didn’t fight hard enough for Trump.

“You can’t build a movement on a lie,” Smith said.

In Michigan, activists who identify with a larger movement working against Republicans willing to accept Trump’s loss have captured the party leadership in about a dozen counties. They’re directly challenging state party leaders, who are trying to harness the grassroots energy without indulging demands to keep fighting over the last election.

Some of the takeovers happened before the rise of the precinct strategy. But the activists are now organizing under the banner “Precinct First” and holding regular events, complete with notaries, to sign people up to run for precinct delegate positions.

“We are reclaiming our party,” Debra Ell, one of the organizers, told ProPublica. “We’re building an ‘America First’ army.”

Under normal rules, the wave of new precinct delegates could force the party to nominate far-right candidates for key state offices. That’s because in Michigan, party nominees for attorney general, secretary of state and lieutenant governor are chosen directly by party delegates rather than in public primaries. But the state party recently voted to hold a special convention earlier next year, which should effectively lock in candidates before the new, more radical delegates are seated.

Activist-led county parties including rural Hillsdale and Detroit-area Macomb are also censuring Republican state legislators for issuing a June report on the 2020 election that found no evidence of systemic fraud and no need for a reexamination of the results like the one in Arizona. (The censures have no enforceable impact beyond being a public rebuke of the politicians.) At the same time, county party leaders in Hillsdale and elsewhere are working on a ballot initiative to force an Arizona-style election review.

Establishment Republicans have their own idea for a ballot initiative — one that could tighten rules for voter ID and provisional ballots while sidestepping the Democratic governor’s veto. If the initiative collects hundreds of thousands of valid signatures, it would be put to a vote by the Republican-controlled state Legislature. Under a provision of the state constitution, the state Legislature can adopt the measure and it can’t be vetoed.

State party leaders recently reached out to the activists rallying around the rejection of the presidential election results, including Hillsdale Republican Party Secretary Jon Smith, for help. Smith, Ell and others agreed to join the effort, the two activists said.

“This empowers them,” Jason Roe, the state party executive director whose ouster the activists demanded because he said Trump was responsible for his own loss, told ProPublica. Roe resigned in July, citing unrelated reasons. “It’s important to get them focused on change that can actually impact” future elections, he said, “instead of keeping their feet mired in the conspiracy theories of 2020.”

Jesse Law, who ran the Trump campaign’s Election Day operations in Nevada, sued the Democratic electors, seeking to declare Trump the winner or annul the results. The judge threw out the case, saying Law’s evidence did not meet “any standard of proof,” and the Nevada Supreme Court agreed. When the Electoral College met in December, Law stood outside the state capitol to publicly cast mock votes for Trump.

This year, Law set his sights on taking over the Republican Party in the state’s largest county, Clark, which encompasses Las Vegas. He campaigned on the precinct strategy, promising 1,000 new recruits. His path to winning the county chairmanship — just like Stutts’ team in South Carolina, and Grubbs in Cobb County, Georgia — relied on turning out droves of newcomers to flood the county party and vote for him.

In Law’s case, many of those newcomers came through the Proud Boys, the all-male gang affiliated with more than two dozen people charged in the Capitol riot. The Las Vegas chapter boasted about signing up 500 new party members (not all of them belonging to the Proud Boys) to ensure their takeover of the county party. After briefly advancing their own slate of candidates to lead the Clark GOP, the Proud Boys threw their support to Law. They also helped lead a state party censure of Nevada’s Republican secretary of state, who rejected the Trump campaign’s baseless claims of fraudulent ballots.

Law, who did not respond to repeated requests for comment, has declined to distance himself from the Las Vegas Proud Boys, citing Trump’s “stand back and stand by” remark at the September 2020 presidential debate. “When the president was asked if he would disavow, he said no,” Law told an independent Nevada journalist in July. “If the president is OK with that, I’m going to take the presidential stance.”

“The outgoing county chair, David Sajdak, canceled the first planned vote for his successor. He said he was worried the Proud Boys would resort to violence if their newly recruited members, who Sajdak considered illegitimate, weren’t allowed to vote”.

Sajdak tried again to hold a leadership vote in July, with a meeting in a Las Vegas high school theater, secured by police. But the crowd inside descended into shouting, while more people tried to storm past the cops guarding the back entrance, leading to scuffles. “Let us in! Let us in!” some chanted. Riling them up was at least one Proud Boy, according to multiple videos of the meeting.

At the microphone, Sajdak was running out of patience. “I’m done covering for you awful people,” he bellowed. Unable to restore order, Sajdak ended the meeting without a vote and resigned a few hours later. He’d had enough.

“They want to create mayhem,” Sajdak said.

Soon after, Law’s faction held their own meeting at a hotel-casino and overwhelmingly voted for Law as county chairman. Nevada Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald, a longtime ally of Law who helped lead Trump’s futile effort to overturn the Nevada results, recognized Law as the new county chair and promoted a fundraiser to celebrate. The existing county leaders sued, seeking a court order to block Law’s “fraudulent, rogue election.” The judge preliminarily sided with the moderates, but told them to hold off on their own election until a court hearing in September.

To Sajdak, agonizing over 2020 is pointless because “there’s no mechanism for overturning an election.” Asked if Law’s allies are determined to create one, Sajdak said: “It’s a scary thought, isn’t it.”

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* Taken from the Book of Daniel, the legend of Nebuchadnezzar tells of a ruler who through hubris lost his mind and was reduced to animalistic madness and eating “grass as oxen”.

According to the biographer Alexander Gilchrist (1828–1861), in Blake’s print the viewer is faced with the “mad king crawling like a hunted beast into a den among the rocks; his tangled golden beard sweeping the ground, his nails like vultures’ talons, and his wild eyes full of sullen terror. The powerful frame is losing semblance of humanity, and is bestial in its rough growth of hair, reptile in the toad-like markings and spottings of the skin, which takes on unnatural hues of green, blue, and russet.”

The Destruction of the Conservative Movement and the America First Neo Nazi Party of the KKK | Measure 144 \~*~/ Missive #333 \~*~/


Witnesses at the End of Donald Trump

and the America First Nazi Party of the KKK


The Truth Comes Out: and the Judgment Falls Upon Those Who Betrayed Their Oath

The End of the Obstruction by the GOP: Police Officer Fanone’s Statement


Police Officer Michael Fanone defends himself from charges he was an Antifa Terrorist


“He talks about sacrifices,” Gonell added..

“The only thing he has sacrificed is the institutions of the country and the country only for his ego, because he wants the job, but he doesn’t want to do the job. That’s a shame on him”

Sgt. Aquilino Gonell laid the blame for the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection squarely on the twice-impeached shoulder of former president Donald Trump.

The U.S. Capitol police officer testified before the a House select committee hearing on the assault, and Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) asked what he thought when he heard the former president describe the rioters as a “loving crowd” — and Gonell unloaded.

“It’s upsetting,” he said. “It’s a pathetic excuse for his behavior, for something that he himself helped to create, this monstrosity. I’m still recovering from those ‘hugs and kisses’ that day that he claimed that so many rioters, terrorists, were assaulting us that day. If that was hugs and kisses, we should all go to his house and do the same thing to him. To me, it’s insulting, it’s demoralizing, because everything that we did was to prevent everyone in the Capitol from getting hurt. What he was doing, instead of sending the military, instead of sending the support or telling his people, his supporters to stop this nonsense, he egged them to continue fighting.”

The rioters were clearly Trump supporters,

despite what the ex-president and some of his allies say.

“I was on the lower west terrace fighting alongside these officers,” Gonell said. “All of them, all of them were telling us. It was not Antifa, it was not Black Lives Matter, it was not the FBI. It was his supporters that he sent over to the Capitol that day. He could have done a lot of things. One is to tell them to stop.”

Washington Post calls on Democrats to subpoena Ivanka Trump


Washington Post calls on Democrats to subpoena Ivanka Trump

The Washington Post editorial board is calling on the Democrats’ January 6 select committee to subpoena Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

“Top of the list is precisely what then-President Donald Trump did before, during and after the attack,”

they wrote in a Tuesday op-ed.

“How did he prepare his speech preceding the insurrection, in which he told the crowd to fight? What did he anticipate his audience’s reaction would be? When did he know the pro-Trump mob was threatening the Capitol?”

The board added: “Answering such questions calls for subpoenaing former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows; Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner; and other White House aides with useful information.”

According to a forthcoming book by the Washington Post journalists Carol D. Leonnig and Philip Rucker, Ivanka Trump attempted to calm the former president down on the day of January 6, encouraging him to call off the violent riot – a request Trump repeatedly rebuffed.

“I’m going down to my dad. This has to stop,” she reportedly told her aides while spending “several hours walking back and forth” from the Oval Office in an effort to defuse the situation.

In their op-ed, the Post’s editorial board also called on the select committee to investigate a number of top Trump allies in Congress, including Reps. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Mo Brooks, R-Ala., Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala, all of whom, the Post reports, may have interacted with Trump on the day of the insurrection. McCarthy, who voted in favor of overturning the 2020 election, has been adamantly opposed to the Democratic-backed select committee and has often downplayed Trump’s role in the insurgency. However, back in February, just a month after the riot, CNN reported that Trump and McCarthy had gotten into a “shouting match” over the former president’s refusal to tell the rioters to stand down.

“Well, Kevin,” Trump told McCarthy over the phone. “I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.”

“Who the f–k do you think you are talking to?” the lawmaker responded.

CNN also reported that Rep. Tuberville spoke with Trump on the day of the riot, calling the former president via phone to announce that Mike Pence, the former vice president, had been evacuated in time to avoid the violent horde.

The phone call has since come under scrutiny in the light of Trump’s tweet attacking Pence less than ten minutes after the call.

It’s not clear whether Rep. Brooks spoke with Trump on the day of the riot. However, the Alabama lawmaker did deliver a White House-approved speech during the “Stop the Steal” rally just outside the Capitol building, where he bandied Trump’s election lies and told Trump’s supporters: “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names.”

Brooks has since personally disavowed the riot, directly attributing Trump for inciting the violence on January 6.

The Post’s editorial board also argued that lawmakers should put the leaders of far-right extremists groups on the stand – particularly leaders “at the center of the violence” – as well as

Justice Department and Capitol Police officials who “failed to anticipate the riot.”

Months after the riot, it was reported in various media that the Pentagon had denied multiple requests to deploy the National Guard, even as the chaos was unfolding. Capitol Police also reportedly had extensive intelligence that there would be violence on January 6, but the former Capitol Police chief dismissed the concerns as alarmist.

WATCH: DC cop reveals how pro-Trump mob tried to ‘convert us to their cult’ during the Capitol insurrection

A District of Columbia police officer repeatedly expressed his astonishment that Donald Trump rioters tried to convince law enforcement to join their effort to overturn the election.

Officer Daniel Hodges, of Metropolitan police, testified Tuesday before a U.S. House committee on the Jan. 6 insurrection, where he vividly described the violence he endured and the apparent surprise the rioters felt when officers tried to stop them from blocking the electoral certification.

“As we came close to the terrorist our line was divided and we came under attack,” Hodges testified. “A man attempted to rip the baton from my hands and we wrestled for control. I retained my weapon, he yelled at me, ‘You’re on the wrong team.’ Cut off from my leadership, which is at the front of our formation, we huddled up and assessed the threat surrounding us.

One man tried and failed to build a rapport with me, shouting, ‘Are you my brother?’ Another shouting, ‘You will die on your knees.’”

Hodges described the surreal array of flags the rioters carried as they violently stormed the building.

“The sea of people was punctuated throughout by flags, mostly variations of American flags and Trump flags,” he said. “There was Gadsden flags — it was clear the terrorists perceived themselves to be Christians. I saw the Christian flag directly to my front, another read ‘Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president.’ Another, ‘Jesus is king.’ One flag read, ‘Don’t give up the ship.’ Another had cross-rifles beneath a skull emblazoned with the pattern of the American flag. To my perpetual confusion I saw the ‘thin blue line’ flag, the symbol of support for law enforcement, more than once being carried by the terrorists as they ignored our commands and continued to assault us.”

Hodges told lawmakers that Trump supporters blasted police with chemical irritants, including wasp spray, and demanded officers join their violent assault.

“The terrorists alternated between attempt to go break our defense and shouting at or attempting to convert us,” Hodges said. “Men alleging to be veterans told us how they had fought for this country and were fighting for it again. One man tried to start a chant of ‘four more years.’ Another shouted do not attack us, we are not Black Lives Matter, as if political affiliation is how we determine when to use force.

A man in a QAnon hoodie explained, ‘This is the time to choose which side of history to be on.’ A man whose shirt read ‘God, guns and Trump’ stood behind him silently holding a Trump flag. A new man came to the front and fixated on me, telling me to take off my gear and give it to him to show solidarity with ‘we the people’ or ‘we’re going to run over you,’ his voice cracked with the strain and volume of the stress.”

He continued, ‘Do you think your little pea shooter guns are going to stop this crowd?’” he added. “‘No, we’re going in that building.’ Eventually there was a surge in the crowd, the fence buckled and broke apart and we were unable to hold the line.”

Hodges said he and other officers were forced to retreat into the Capitol, where Trump supporters continued to alternately batter them and ask them to switch sides.

Eventually it was my turn in the meat grinder that was the front line,” he testified. “The terrorists had a wall of shield they had stolen from officers as well as stolen batons and what other arms they brought. Even during this intense contest of wills they tried to convert us to their cult. One man shouted, ‘We all just want to make our voices heard, and I think you feel the same. I think you really feel the same.’”

“All while another man attempts to batter us with a stolen shield,” he added. “Another man like many others didn’t seem to appreciate that this wasn’t a game. He fought his way across the lawn, up the steps, through the western terrace, all the OC and CS gas and, at the front line of this final threshold, was asking us to hold on because he had asthma.”

DOJ delivers a 'significant' blow to Trump as Capitol riot hearings open


Former president Donald Trump’s alleged efforts to get Justice Department officials to overturn the results of the 2020 election constitute an “extraordinary circumstance” and are not protected by executive privilege, the DOJ wrote in a letter this week.

In the letter obtained by the New York Times, the DOJ advised officials who served in the Trump administration that they can give “unrestricted testimony” to committees investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection, including the House panel that will meet for the first time Tuesday.

“The decision runs counter to the views of former President Donald J. Trump, who has argued that his decisions and deliberations are protected by executive privilege,” the Times reported. “It also sets up a potential court battle if Mr. Trump sues in a bid to block any testimony.

Trump’s supporters have argued that “executive privilege” applies to the former president’s communications, but others say it’s a matter of “settled law” that executive privilege doesn’t apply to extraordinary circumstances. In this case, the Times notes, Trump “pressured DOJ officials overturn the results of the election, asking them to open investigations into claims of vote tampering that investigators said they had already looked into and determined to be untrue.”

Bradley Weinsheimer, a top ranking career official in the deputy attorney general’s office, noted in the letter that Trump was attempting to use the DOJ to advance his “personal political interests.”

“The extraordinary events in this matter constitute exceptional circumstances warranting an accommodation to Congress,” Weinsheimer wrote.

Andy Wright, who served as associate counsel to former President Barack Obamasaid the DOJ’s decision was “a significant development.”

“A really important move by DOJ to start walking back the previous administration’s overly broad executive privilege claims. Keep it coming,” added MSNBC analyst Matthew Miller.

The Albatross of Babylon the Great: the Final 77 Days of Lucifer at the Last Trump | Measure 144 /♦\ Missive 444 \♦/

The Truth About the Last Judgment

‘Ever more terrifying’: Tucker Carlson’s visit with Hungary’s authoritarian Viktor Orban sets off alarm bells

Fox News broadcaster Tucker Carlson will deliver a speech this weekend at a far-right conference in Hungary, setting of alarm bells back home.

The MCC Feszt is backed by Hungary’s authoritarian prime minister Viktor Orban, who appeared Monday on Carlson’s online show for Fox Nation, and he’ll broadcast his highly rated prime-time program from Budapest all week.

Journalists and others who follow Orban’s authoritarian takeover saw Carlson’s visit as an ominous sign, particularly after Donald Trump’s attempted coup and ongoing efforts to rig future elections in Republicans’ favor.

Anne Applebaum @anneapplebaum

In Orban’s Hungary, +90% of media is controlled by the ruling party. Businesses are physically and legally harassed if they don’t toe the party line (or if someone wants them, cheap). Elections are manipulated. Party leaders are mysteriously rich. A model for Fox?

Anna Massoglia  @annalecta

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán’s Facebook page shows he met

today in Budapest
Coordinating an interview on Carlson’s Fox News show was a key part of Hungary’s 2019 foreign influence ops when Orban’s govt paid a DC lobbying & comms firm $265,000

Brendan Nyhan

Nothing to worry about, just America’s #2 demagogue meeting with the man who destroyed Hungarian democracy through precisely the kind of process of erosion that experts fear could happen here.


Trump-loving Christian broadcaster links vaccination push to Nazi death camps in unhinged rant

On Tuesday, David Brody, a former panelist on “Meet the Press” and the host of a pro-Trump show on the Christian Broadcasting Network, compared the current push for vaccinations to Nazi Germany.

“For the past few months or so, the federal government has been pushing, and in some cases forcing, Americans to take a vaccine that many Americans are just afraid to take,” said Brody. “If that’s you, you’ve probably been called crazy, an anti-vaxxer, a conspiracist, all sorts of names. But the truth is, it’s not you. It’s them. It’s the government that could be in violation here, of risking the health and safety of millions of Americans who they prompted to take this highly experimental vaccine.”

Brody went on to link the Biden administration’s push to get Americans vaccinated directly to the Holocaust that resulted in the mass murder of 6 million Jews.

“The Nuremberg Code emphasizes that people cannot be forced to take experimental drugs without their full consent,” said Brody. “Interestingly here, the term ‘Nuremberg Code’ originated in 1947 Germany during the Nuremberg Trial, where, of course, Nazi doctors attempted to excuse the inhumane experiments they conducted on concentration camp prisoners.”

The COVID vaccines are not experimental and have been exhaustively tested. And claims that the vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code have been repeatedly debunked, given that the vaccines are not an experiment and not being administered against anyone’s will.

Watch below:

On the latest episode of The New Abnormal, the bizarre GOP insistence that being a patriot means you have to attack science and scientists, James Carville on Marco Rubio, and more.

On Tuesday, Axios reported that the Republican Attorneys General Association, the national group dedicated to electing Republicans to lead state law enforcement agencies around the country, has taken a massive hit to its donations after its ties to Capitol rioters were exposed.

“Large companies that gave in the past — such as Amazon, Walmart, Visa, Capital One, Johnson & Johnson and CocaCola — didn’t donate to RAGA in the first six months of this year,” reported Lachlan Markay. “Another prior donor, Facebook, said it paused its political giving program altogether.”

All told, said the report, the group raised $6.7 million in the first half of 2021 — a decline of almost $2 million from the same period two years ago. Moreover, “nearly half that sum came from a single donation on the final day of the second quarter from the Concord Fund. The group, previously known as the Judicial Crisis Network, has provided large cash infusions for RAGA in the past, but not like this. Its contributions comprised 15% of its Q2 2019 haul — and 47% last quarter.”

A report immediately after the attack revealed that RAGA’s fundraising arm, the Rule of Law Defense Fund, paid for a robocall urging Trump supporters to go to the Capitol earlier in the day, saying, “At 1 p.m., we will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal. We are hoping patriots like you will join us to continue to fight to protect the integrity of our elections.”

Dozens of large corporations pledged to stop donating to groups and politicians involved in the attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election in the aftermath of the attack. However, some have already resumed those donations.

Facing the End

Dr. Peter Hotez has been battling vaccine disinformation for years. But he was still shocked to see United States senators like Ron Johnson peddling anti-vaxxer agitprop.

Historically, this is what the authoritarian regimes do,” Hotez tells Molly Jong-Fast on the latest episode of The New Abnormal.

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“The anti-vaccine anti science aggression has extended to the individual scientists,” he adds. “They did this in China [where scientists who tried to raise the alarm about COVID were brutally repressed]… and this is what’s going on right now by elected members of the United States Congress. And we’ve got to do something about it.”

“The anti-vaccine anti science aggression has extended to the individual scientists,” he adds.

They did this in China [where scientists who tried to raise the alarm about COVID were brutally repressed]… and this is what’s going on right now by elected members of the United States Congress. And we’ve got to do something about it.”

“Why, why, why do you need to show your allegiance to the GOP by trying to delegitimize science?” Hotez asks. “It shows this lack of understanding of American history…

Our nation is a nation built on science and technology, right? Or it’s built on our great research universities and land grant universities. And this is what allowed us to defeat fascism in World War II and the Cold War, and makes such great progress in HIV/AIDS, is through science.

And this bizarre twist that being a patriot means you have to attack science and scientists, that’s something I never would have imagined.”

But now we can all see the impact:

coronavirus cases peaking in Florida; ICUs packed in Arkansas;

more than 50,000 dead in Texas.

“This is the destructive nature of the disinformation campaign that we’ve allowed to go unchecked for so many years, and now we’re paying the price for it in a huge way,” Hotez continues. “This is devastating for whole regions of the country, and it’s going to have devastating consequences for the South and some of the mountain West states. And it is going to show itself in young people being hospitalized—you see so many young people with long COVID. And the frustration is you see it coming, and not being able to manage it is extremely frustrating for me.”

Plus: NBC’s Jon Allen talks about how the realtors’ lobby is pushing to kill the eviction moratorium. And James Carville practically salivates at the thought of Val Demings running against “slippery little prick” Marco Rubio.

FBI Sits on Report Detailing White-Supremacist Terror Threat

By Jeff Stein

Amid the silent sniffles and eye-dabbing last week as four policemen recounted how they struggled to hold off the howling pro-Trump mobs on Jan. 6, an significant anecdote told by one of the officers drew no attention from the presiding committee members or in the following days’ news accounts.

Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn recalled how at 10:56 on the morning of Jan. 6, he got a text message from “a friend” who had acquired or overheard a detailed plan by one of the militant groups for a coordinated, military-style assault with guns on the Capitol.

“Seeing that message caused me concern,” Dunn said—an understatement considering what soon followed. He added: “At the time, we had not received any threat warnings from our chain of command. I had no independent reason to believe that violence was headed our way.” As it turned out, the Capitol Police’s intelligence office had plenty of warnings that something bad was afoot but failed to take them seriously.

The House Select Committee investigating the events leading up to the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol can be expected to devote serious attention to the negligence of federal security agencies to gather up, take seriously, and effectively distribute abundant evidence that well known armed militia groups were organizing attacks on Congress. Reasons for the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security not to act turned out to be as predictable as they were seditious: They were led by Trump appointees.

The FBI infamously claimed it had no advance warning of the mayhem to come that day, only to be contradicted by the leak of a report showing its Norfolk office had indeed reported on plans by a group to sabotage the certification of Joe Biden as president. And of course, social media and extremist message channels had been boiling over for weeks with Trump partisans’ excitement about coming to Washington to break up the peaceful transfer of power.

With a new Democratic administration and Justice Department in place, the FBI has moved swiftly to track down and apprehend the Jan. 6 lawbreakers—as of July 30, 599 people had been arrested and charged with crimes. The FBI is very good at catching people after the act.

But Congress needs to go beyond the crimes of Jan. 6 to the larger question of what the FBI has been doing—and not—to combat violent domestic extremists. Lawyers for some defendants, like the so-called Michigan Wolverines, charged with plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, say the FBI has gone overboard.

The plot would never have proceeded, they argue, if multiple FBI informants hadn’t egged it on. Likewise, in 2006, defense lawyers for an African American religious group in Miami, who became known as the Liberty Six, unsuccessfully argued that their poverty-stricken clients never would have considered a fantastical plot to bring down the Sears Tower in Chicago if undercover FBI agents hadn’t offered them cash and weapons.

Cases like those, and the FBI dragnet now sweeping up the Jan. 6 “terrorists” (as one of the Capitol policemen pointedly called them) can leave the impression that the G-men have long been persistent, even egregious, in making cases against white violent domestic extremists, all the while bearing down on foreign terrorist plots.

That would be wrong. Former FBI Special Agent Mike German, who went undercover to infiltrate and neutralize neo-Nazi and skinhead groups in the 1990s, says the public record and the bureau’s own statistics demand a closer look.

Foreign terrorists remain the FBI’s principal concern, even as their threat has receded and ever bolder white supremacists openly threaten and carry out attacks on public officials, rocketing them to the top of the terrorism heap. For sure, if somebody calls the FBI with a tip that a group is mulling a terrorist attack, kidnapping, or murder, the bureau will quickly throw informants into the group with offers of cash and weapons, ripening the plotters for arrests that sweeten its counterterrorism stats.

“But otherwise, German says, the bureau is practically ignoring the violence taking place out in the open.”

Groups that have shown up with long guns and bats at state capitols to disrupt local legislatures “are somehow being able to travel around the country, crossing state lines without any attention by the FBI,” he said.

Two weeks before the assault on the Capitol, he noted, far-right militants breached the doors of the Oregon state legislature, but no federal charges were filed.

These are groups that are regularly violent, right?” German said in last week’s SpyTalk podcast.

“They’re engaging in crime on a regular basis, often, over the last four years, in public, right?

This is public violence that they’re committing that isn’t being policed today.

“The FBI can tell you how many bank robberies occurred last year and how many included the use of a weapon and what kind of weapons, but they can’t tell you how many [people] white supremacists killed last year, because they don’t actually gather that data because that’s not a priority,” he added. During the Trump administration, the bureau also opted to lump together in one category white supremacists and black identity extremists, further obscuring its priorities and statistics.

Today, only 20 percent of the FBI’s counterterrorism resources are going to domestic terrorism and, within that program, ecoterrorism remains a top priority, German says, “even though there’s not been a single homicide in the United States related to any environmental illegal actions.”

The bottom line? The FBI is using “various methods to suppress the numbers of violent instances initiated by white supremacists and the far right,” even as it uses informants to goad beer-fueled, trash-talking white militants into improbable criminal plots.

Back in 2017, Sen. Dick Durbin, (D-IL), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, began asking the FBI to break down its crime and threat statistics so that they could be matched to its budget and priorities. He’s still waiting. The four policemen who testified at last week’s hearing want to know how things got out of hand, too—without getting any warning.

Co-published with SpyTalk, where Jeff Stein leads an all-star team of veteran investigative reporters, writers, and subject-matter experts who will take you behind the scenes of the national security stateSubscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website.

The End of Donald Trump and the America First Nazi Party of the KKK

Witnesses at the End of Donald Trump

and the America First Nazi Party of the KKK


The Truth Comes Out: and the Judgment Falls Upon Those Who Betrayed Their Oath



The End of the Obstruction by the GOP: Police Officer Fanone’s Statement


Police Officer Michael Fanone defends himself from charges he was an Antifa Terrorist


“He talks about sacrifices,” Gonell added..

“The only thing he has sacrificed is the institutions of the country and the country only for his ego, because he wants the job, but he doesn’t want to do the job. That’s a shame on him”


Sgt. Aquilino Gonell laid the blame for the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection squarely on the twice-impeached shoulder of former president Donald Trump.


The U.S. Capitol police officer testified before the a House select committee hearing on the assault, and Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) asked what he thought when he heard the former president describe the rioters as a “loving crowd” — and Gonell unloaded.

“It’s upsetting,” he said. “It’s a pathetic excuse for his behavior, for something that he himself helped to create, this monstrosity. I’m still recovering from those ‘hugs and kisses’ that day that he claimed that so many rioters, terrorists, were assaulting us that day. If that was hugs and kisses, we should all go to his house and do the same thing to him. To me, it’s insulting, it’s demoralizing, because everything that we did was to prevent everyone in the Capitol from getting hurt. What he was doing, instead of sending the military, instead of sending the support or telling his people, his supporters to stop this nonsense, he egged them to continue fighting.”

The rioters were clearly Trump supporters, despite what the ex-president and some of his allies say.

“I was on the lower west terrace fighting alongside these officers,” Gonell said. “All of them, all of them were telling us. It was not Antifa, it was not Black Lives Matter, it was not the FBI. It was his supporters that he sent over to the Capitol that day. He could have done a lot of things. One is to tell them to stop.”


Washington Post calls on Democrats to subpoena Ivanka Trump


Washington Post calls on Democrats to subpoena Ivanka Trump

The Washington Post editorial board is calling on the Democrats’ January 6 select committee to subpoena Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

“Top of the list is precisely what then-President Donald Trump did before, during and after the attack,”

they wrote in a Tuesday op-ed.

“How did he prepare his speech preceding the insurrection, in which he told the crowd to fight? What did he anticipate his audience’s reaction would be? When did he know the pro-Trump mob was threatening the Capitol?”

The board added: “Answering such questions calls for subpoenaing former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows; Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner; and other White House aides with useful information.”

According to a forthcoming book by the Washington Post journalists Carol D. Leonnig and Philip Rucker, Ivanka Trump attempted to calm the former president down on the day of January 6, encouraging him to call off the violent riot – a request Trump repeatedly rebuffed.

“I’m going down to my dad. This has to stop,” she reportedly told her aides while spending “several hours walking back and forth” from the Oval Office in an effort to defuse the situation.

In their op-ed, the Post’s editorial board also called on the select committee to investigate a number of top Trump allies in Congress, including Reps. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Mo Brooks, R-Ala., Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala, all of whom, the Post reports, may have interacted with Trump on the day of the insurrection. McCarthy, who voted in favor of overturning the 2020 election, has been adamantly opposed to the Democratic-backed select committee and has often downplayed Trump’s role in the insurgency. However, back in February, just a month after the riot, CNN reported that Trump and McCarthy had gotten into a “shouting match” over the former president’s refusal to tell the rioters to stand down.

“Well, Kevin,” Trump told McCarthy over the phone. “I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.”

“Who the f–k do you think you are talking to?” the lawmaker responded.

CNN also reported that Rep. Tuberville spoke with Trump on the day of the riot, calling the former president via phone to announce that Mike Pence, the former vice president, had been evacuated in time to avoid the violent horde.

The phone call has since come under scrutiny in the light of Trump’s tweet attacking Pence less than ten minutes after the call.

It’s not clear whether Rep. Brooks spoke with Trump on the day of the riot. However, the Alabama lawmaker did deliver a White House-approved speech during the “Stop the Steal” rally just outside the Capitol building, where he bandied Trump’s election lies and told Trump’s supporters: “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names.”

Brooks has since personally disavowed the riot, directly attributing Trump for inciting the violence on January 6.

The Post’s editorial board also argued that lawmakers should put the leaders of far-right extremists groups on the stand – particularly leaders “at the center of the violence” – as well as

Justice Department and Capitol Police officials who “failed to anticipate the riot.”

Months after the riot, it was reported in various media that the Pentagon had denied multiple requests to deploy the National Guard, even as the chaos was unfolding. Capitol Police also reportedly had extensive intelligence that there would be violence on January 6, but the former Capitol Police chief dismissed the concerns as alarmist.


WATCH: DC cop reveals how pro-Trump mob tried to ‘convert us to their cult’ during the Capitol insurrection


A District of Columbia police officer repeatedly expressed his astonishment that Donald Trump rioters tried to convince law enforcement to join their effort to overturn the election.

Officer Daniel Hodges, of Metropolitan police, testified Tuesday before a U.S. House committee on the Jan. 6 insurrection, where he vividly described the violence he endured and the apparent surprise the rioters felt when officers tried to stop them from blocking the electoral certification.

“As we came close to the terrorist our line was divided and we came under attack,” Hodges testified. “A man attempted to rip the baton from my hands and we wrestled for control. I retained my weapon, he yelled at me, ‘You’re on the wrong team.’ Cut off from my leadership, which is at the front of our formation, we huddled up and assessed the threat surrounding us.

One man tried and failed to build a rapport with me, shouting, ‘Are you my brother?’ Another shouting, ‘You will die on your knees.'”

Hodges described the surreal array of flags the rioters carried as they violently stormed the building.

“The sea of people was punctuated throughout by flags, mostly variations of American flags and Trump flags,” he said. “There was Gadsden flags — it was clear the terrorists perceived themselves to be Christians. I saw the Christian flag directly to my front, another read ‘Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president.’ Another, ‘Jesus is king.’ One flag read, ‘Don’t give up the ship.’ Another had cross-rifles beneath a skull emblazoned with the pattern of the American flag. To my perpetual confusion I saw the ‘thin blue line’ flag, the symbol of support for law enforcement, more than once being carried by the terrorists as they ignored our commands and continued to assault us.”

Hodges told lawmakers that Trump supporters blasted police with chemical irritants, including wasp spray, and demanded officers join their violent assault.

“The terrorists alternated between attempt to go break our defense and shouting at or attempting to convert us,” Hodges said. “Men alleging to be veterans told us how they had fought for this country and were fighting for it again. One man tried to start a chant of ‘four more years.’ Another shouted do not attack us, we are not Black Lives Matter, as if political affiliation is how we determine when to use force.

A man in a QAnon hoodie explained, ‘This is the time to choose which side of history to be on.’ A man whose shirt read ‘God, guns and Trump’ stood behind him silently holding a Trump flag. A new man came to the front and fixated on me, telling me to take off my gear and give it to him to show solidarity with ‘we the people’ or ‘we’re going to run over you,’ his voice cracked with the strain and volume of the stress.”

“He continued, ‘Do you think your little pea shooter guns are going to stop this crowd?'” he added. “‘No, we’re going in that building.’ Eventually there was a surge in the crowd, the fence buckled and broke apart and we were unable to hold the line.”

Hodges said he and other officers were forced to retreat into the Capitol, where Trump supporters continued to alternately batter them and ask them to switch sides.

“Eventually it was my turn in the meat grinder that was the front line,” he testified. “The terrorists had a wall of shield they had stolen from officers as well as stolen batons and what other arms they brought. Even during this intense contest of wills they tried to convert us to their cult. One man shouted, ‘We all just want to make our voices heard, and I think you feel the same. I think you really feel the same.'”

“All while another man attempts to batter us with a stolen shield,” he added. “Another man like many others didn’t seem to appreciate that this wasn’t a game. He fought his way across the lawn, up the steps, through the western terrace, all the OC and CS gas and, at the front line of this final threshold, was asking us to hold on because he had asthma.”

DOJ delivers a 'significant' blow to Trump as Capitol riot hearings open


Former president Donald Trump’s alleged efforts to get Justice Department officials to overturn the results of the 2020 election constitute an “extraordinary circumstance” and are not protected by executive privilege, the DOJ wrote in a letter this week.

In the letter obtained by the New York Times, the DOJ advised officials who served in the Trump administration that they can give “unrestricted testimony” to committees investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection, including the House panel that will meet for the first time Tuesday.

“The decision runs counter to the views of former President Donald J. Trump, who has argued that his decisions and deliberations are protected by executive privilege,” the Times reported. “It also sets up a potential court battle if Mr. Trump sues in a bid to block any testimony.

Trump’s supporters have argued that “executive privilege” applies to the former president’s communications, but others say it’s a matter of “settled law” that executive privilege doesn’t apply to extraordinary circumstances. In this case, the Times notes, Trump “pressured DOJ officials overturn the results of the election, asking them to open investigations into claims of vote tampering that investigators said they had already looked into and determined to be untrue.”

Bradley Weinsheimer, a top ranking career official in the deputy attorney general’s office, noted in the letter that Trump was attempting to use the DOJ to advance his “personal political interests.”

“The extraordinary events in this matter constitute exceptional circumstances warranting an accommodation to Congress,” Weinsheimer wrote.

Andy Wright, who served as associate counsel to former President Barack Obamasaid the DOJ’s decision was “a significant development.”

“A really important move by DOJ to start walking back the previous administration’s overly broad executive privilege claims. Keep it coming,” added MSNBC analyst Matthew Miller.